Monday, July 15, 2024

PA Weekend

Well - I don't know how things are in your neck of the woods, but the temperature here is supposed to hit 100 tomorrow, so I will be planning to stay indoors this week! We spent a big chunk of our weekend outdoors & it wasn't much cooler - but we made do with lots of water in many forms!

After work on Friday, Ryan & I headed North to Pennsylvania for the weekend! We had; for the most part, a very uneventful drive but when we were about thirty minutes out, an accident happened ahead of us & we sat in stopped traffic for about forty minutes! Not what we'd hoped for, but some sweet family friends grabbed our dinner order & we finally made it to Aunt Naomi's house around 8:45! Whoosh!

After visiting with Aunt Naomi & our friends the Hershey's, we climbed into bed around 11 & both absolutely crashed! We were up & ready to head to Hershey Park by 8:30; Aunt Naomi made sure to feed us well for breakfast: quiche, fresh fruit, juice & coffee - it was delicious! After a quick drive from Lancaster to Hershey, it was time to head into Hershey Park for a day of fun!

We were at Hershey Park on Saturday courtesy of Ryan's work - the entire ACC staff spent the day at Hershey Park & then had dinner at nearby Duke's in Wormleysburg, PA. Ryan & I started the day at the newest coaster, Candymonium - which I did not ride - do you see that drop? No thanks! Ryan rode & then we explored the park a bit before heading to Great Bear Catering for lunch with the whole team! 

After a great lunch - in the AC, which was incredible - we refilled our bottles & walked across the bridge to Zoo America to peek at the animals for a bit. A lot of them were not out, because it was sort of like the surface of the sun out & I don't blame them for seeking the shade! After making the round at the zoo, it was back to the water park portion of the park for us - to get some relief from the heat! 

We rode a water coaster that made me scream at every drop & turn & did a couple of slides - but the water park was incredibly crowded & so by the time we'd waited an hour & a half to ride the coaster... & then waited in additional lines, we'd eaten up most of the day! Our final stops were to take a spin on the carousel & peruse the gigantic gift shop before we headed for the car and Duke's for dinner!

When Ryan was in college, he worked at a restaurant called Dockside Willie's - & since that time, the owner has created three additional restaurants that all overlook the Susquehanna river in the Harrisburg area of Pennsylvania. We headed to Duke's for dinner; a dinner that Ryan had helped get set up with his former boss - and man; the food was amazing! I've been to Dockside a few times & I was glad to add Duke's to my list too, the food & service were excellent! Now we just have to try out the new Southwest style restaurant: Tequila Willie's! 

We headed back to Aunt Naomi's after dinner - eager to get a shower after a long day of being hot, sweaty & in the waters of the amusement park. We did have to make a pit stop at a Turkey Hill to grab some iced coffee, lemonade & sweet tea; Turkey Hill is absolutely the best! And don't even get me started on ice cream... yum! We crashed pretty hard & fast once we were back at Naomi's & all cleaned up! 

Sunday was another warm day - I mean, it is July but wow it has been scorching lately & Sunday was no exception! We met Ryan's cousin Tim & his wife Marisa for church & then headed over to their house to grill & hang out at their pool for the afternoon. They have an absolutely gorgeous home & outdoor space - being able to swim in the sparkling water was a wonderful way to spend the afternoon & Marisa & Tim had put together a delicious lunch too!

After a couple hours of chatting, dining, swimming & some more chatting, Ryan & I loaded into our car & headed back for VA, with a quick pit stop in WV to check on our home progress. We have siding & our flooring is going in this week, so things are really moving along at quite a clip! I cannot wait until we have a complete house & we are all moved in - it's going to be great! 

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