Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Our WV Home - Coming Right Along!

I feel like I've tossed house pictures into posts here & there - but I decided that I'd make a post dedicated completely to our house! It feels like it has moved along so quickly; especially once they got the walls up, I mean - we've scheduled our settlement date & guys - we will be moving into our new home a month from today! Are you kidding me?!?

It seems like it was just yesterday that we went to view the model home & realized that this could absolutely be the perfect place for us to make our next move. We had plans to just get the home "as is" but after discussions together & with the builders, we decided that we'd get the "bump out" or the morning room - as it's formally called - we signed papers, sent the earnest money deposit & away it went (the money & the house building process, ha-ha). 

We completed our pre-drywall walk through back at the end of June - & let me tell you, when they told us that once they put up the drywall, it was usually 45-60 days until completion, I was floored! Let me tell you though, they weren't kidding! It seems like the walls have gone up & since then, everything has been absolutely flying along! 

The drywall made it seem so much more like a "home" - if that makes sense? All the rooms are so much more clearly defined & it's so much easier to imagine where things will go & how we will start to set everything up! I truly think this house is just going to be so perfect for us; I cannot wait until we get to start making our new house into our home! *sigh* I have so many ideas! 

And finally - the most recent pictures from this last weekend - it is starting to look even more like a finished house! I cannot believe how quickly things are moving now! Ryan & I stopped by on the way back from Pennsylvania & I have to admit that I let out a yelp when I saw that the siding was on the house! All the doors are now crisp & white, the siding is on & is also crisp & white; I love our windowsills & our shutters! 

If you'd have told me at the start of this year that Ryan & I would be building a home - I wouldn't have believed you! A brand new home wasn't even in the cards for us; or so we thought, & now here we are just a month away from being homeowners again! All I can say is that we are well & truly blessed! 

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