Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Surprises, Sunsets & Sandhill Cranes

Twice in one week is kind of a record right now - isn't it? I decided I'd finally post about our recent trip to Florida and yes, that's right ... I've been to Florida twice in less than two months! Talk about living the dream! Ryan and I flew out early on Thursday the 17th to enact a grand surprise for his Mom, for her birthday! We had a smooth flight - our bag was waiting for us on the rotating belt at baggage claim - and our ride was waiting right outside the door we exited - it was all brilliant!

We made some stops to buy the goods we needed to treat Ryan's Mom to a birthday dinner, then headed to Doc's house on the lake and set about putting together a feast: steak, grilled chicken, shrimp, mashed potatoes, Brussel sprouts and salad - it was all delicious! We mixed and tossed and mashed and seasoned until around 4:45 and then it was time for the big surprise, so we hid ourselves and prepared to pop out!


The surprise went over wonderfully and we all enjoyed a wonderful dinner together - even Maggie got to have some delicious bites! After we were full, we headed out to Doc's dock (hehehehe) to watch the sunset - and let me tell you, it did NOT disappoint! It was absolutely breathtaking and of course, I took a ton of pictures... and most of them are below! 

How can you not take millions of pictures of a sunset like this? I mean - honestly, a camera can't ever quite do it justice but I was certainly going to try! I think my efforts are pretty admirable.

We finally headed to my mother in law's house shortly before 10 and when we finally got there, we were both pretty exhausted! We got up before 5 AM to catch out flight, so we both crashed as soon as we hit the bed and while my husband didn't sleep too late - I definitely slept till shortly before 9:00 and it was positively glorious!

We started our day (and each day) in my favorite spot, on the lanai with our morning cup of coffee. It was so wonderful to have my best friend with me this time and we really did enjoy such a peaceful beginning to the short vacation! 

We went to the pool - got our visitor's passes - got to feed the sandhill cranes - and I got to spend time reading on the lanai (yahoo) - before we had amazing leftovers for dinner and just enjoyed one another's company! It was a great way to start the vacation!

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