Friday, September 17, 2021

Five on Friday

I suppose this isn't really a "Five on Friday" because I don't have five things to share! I suppose if I really thought about it, I'd have five things but I just felt more like doing things free form... so maybe this is actually Free Form Friday?

Ryan and I are having engagement pictures taken on Sunday, October 24th and I am trying to pull together outfits for both of us since these pictures will be a part of our lives... forever. I found an adorable dress at Loft last weekend (see the picture on the left) that is cute and Autumn-like but not 100% what I was hoping for. I've had my eye on a dress from a company called Baltic Born for about a month now - and when the Rust Autumn patterned dress went on sale - I jumped on it.


The Loft dress is a keeper regardless - it was a $90 dress that I got on sale for $37 and will transition really nicely from late Summer to Autumn and even into Winter with tights and booties! I have my fingers crossed that the dress from Baltic Born will work...  because it honestly lines up perfectly with the vision I have in my mind. We shall see.

I've also been looking at wedding cake inspirations and I think I've nailed down what I'm looking for! The cake below is four tiers to our planned three but I love the gentle patterning on the cake and the sugar flower! I've talked with our baker (Crumbs and Crumbles) about a three-tier, three-flavor cake with patterned layers and sugar flowers in our colors of rust and navy! It should be absolutely beautiful and I know it will taste amazing! 

The meme below cracks me up - because haven't we all felt that way before? "Not the best but still good" - I mean; yep, I definitely feel that sometimes! Isn't it nice that the Word of God tells us: "But when He who had set me apart before I was born, and who called me by His grace" Galatians 1:15. I guess that means we are all a little bit better than just good - right?

This week has passed a bit slowly - or at least it feels like it to me. Watson rides along with Ryan and I when Ryan goes to work each morning and therefore, every time we head for the door he thinks he needs to tag along! Silly little guy! I spent almost all of Wednesday convinced that it was Thursday and so that really messed up my head for the week!

I also ended up doing sciatica stretches in the middle of my co-worker's office on Thursday morning after my fiancé text me to tell me I'd better be doing them because they will help my back! Yes sir! *salute* We've got movie plans tonight (Shang Chi & the Legend of the Gold Rings) and dinner plans tomorrow night and suit measurement plans on Sunday... but I am most looking forward to plans to sleep in on Saturday morning! Y'all have a good weekend!

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