Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Blast from the Past - The Second Portion

Oh look - just what you've been waiting for - the second portion of all these crazy questions! Who knows what wonders and laughs await in the answers to all of these questions? I'll share again that I originally did these questions when I was almost thirty and I'll be thirty-seven (whoa y'all) in about two and a half weeks... so - should be fun!

  • What is your favorite lunch meat? - Turkey! It's always turkey but y'all, I definitely take after my Dad in the fact that I love a good sandwich period!
  • Any bad habits? - Where certain things are concerned, I can have the tendency to procrastinate. I'm also a bit of a people pleaser but I don't know if that's so much a habit as it is a personality trait....
  • Are you a jealous person? - I can be, depending on the situation. 
  • If you were another person, would you be friends with you? - I think so! Most of the time I think I'm a pretty fun person to be around and I think my friends would say that I'm a good friend to have - so sure!
  • Do you agree with "friends with benefits"? - No, I don't. Because someone will inevitably get their feelings hurt and it's just not a good idea to begin with. No one actually benefits in the long run.
  • Do looks matter? - Sure, they matter to an extent. I think having a kind heart and a good personality are very important but physical attraction is an important factor too! Do I think a kind heart and a good personality can make a person more attractive? I certainly do!
  • How do you release anger? - I usually just end up crying a lot. All the hot rage tears.!
  • Would you rather gain 58 pounds or lose 58 pounds? - Oh, definitely lost 58 pounds! I've already lost fifty and I'd not want to gain that back plus some... I'd definitely take the "L" on this one!
  • What's your main goal in life? - To live my life in accordance with God's will for my life... so for right now that is to be the best fiancé I can be, the best daughter and sister and friend - but most importantly the best example of Christ that I can be.
  • What was your favorite toy as a child? - I've always loved books... although I don't know if those classify as toys? I'll say again that what stands out most in my mind is a Disney Parks train set that I got for Christmas when I was four and I am almost positive I still have it somewhere because I absolutely loved it!
  • How many numbers are in your cell phone? - Ooh man... easily over 100 and I think I probably use about ten of them on a regular basis. 
  • Were you a fan of Barney as a child? - Definitely not! My little sister watched it all the time and I absolutely despised it. 
  • Do you use sarcasm? - My Mom would tell you that I am fluent in sarcasm and speak it as a second language on a regular basis. *smiles*
  • Mashed Potatoes or Macaroni & Cheese? - I cannot decide this because I love potatoes in every form possible but I could live on macaroni and cheese, so maybe I'll take a small portion of each? Please and thank you!
  • What do you look for in a guy? - I look for a man who loves Jesus. A man who is kind and caring, supportive and makes me laugh. I look for a man who can be my best friend... although honestly, I don't look anymore because I've found all that and so much more in my fiancé, Ryan! So - my search is over!
  • What are you nicknames? - Nat, Noodles, Spikenard... I don't guess I really have too many nicknames. I know when I was little my Mom called me Bug and Butter Bean sometimes but I haven't been called those names in a long while. Sometimes Ryan calls me Sweetie and Babe...
  • Favorite super power? - I don't have any super powers! *chuckles* I've always thought it would be cool to apparate; that always caught my fancy when I was reading the Harry Potter series... because wouldn't that be a wonderful way to travel? You could be anywhere, any time you wanted.
  • What's your favorite TV show? - I think it will always be Game of Thrones even though the ending fell pretty flat. *sigh* There was too much good that came before the bad ending and it doesn't completely kill it for me... so I'll say Game of Thrones. Outlander is a very very close second.
  • What's the best way to deal with your enemies? - Kill them with kindness. *shrugs* I don't know that I have too many enemies but I try to pray for them... and usually have a salty little conversation with my Mom about them...
  • What's your favorite ice cream flavor? - Long ago I would have said Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough but this Summer I discovered a flavor called Lemon Crunch that is sold at Sugar Creek Snowy & Sweet in Strasburg, VA - and that my friends, that is my very favorite ice cream flavor.
  • Do you have all your fingers & toes? - Yes. All ten fingers and all ten toes. What a weird question.
  • Do you have a computer in your room? - I have two laptops in my living room. *smiles*
  • Plans for tonight? - It's a Tuesday... so I'll eat dinner before six and try to get some exercise in. Not sure what I'll do after that but it will likely involve spending time with my fiancé. 
  • Where do you want to live?? - I'll be quite happy to live in Northern Virginia for the rest of my life and right now, that's where my life (with Ryan) is tracking. You never know what the future has in store, but I'll be quite happy to live wherever life takes us... as long as I've got Ryan by my side.
  • What are you listening to? - I'm listening to a podcast called "Spooked" that is people who have had spooky encounters and tell about their encounters in their own words. Tis the season for creepy things, you know? 
  • Last thing you drank? - Water!
  • Last person you talked to on the phone? - My fiancé, Ryan! 
  • The first thing you notice in the opposite sex? - Eyes & smile! 
  • What do you like to do in your spare time? - I like to watch movies, explore nature and go on hikes, read books, spend time with family and friends... sometimes I even like to take a nap every now and again, ha-ha!
  • Favorite thing to hate? - I don't enjoy hating anything, so I definitely don't have a favorite thing to hate. Gross.
  • Favorite season? - Christmas! I'm not kidding. I know that I'm supposed to say Autumn, Winter, Spring or Summer... and the answer there would be Autumn. However Christmas is also definitely a season and it's my favorite!
  • What's your favorite type of candy? - Reese's Peanut Butter Cups... honestly anything involving chocolate and peanut butter. Or chocolate and salted caramel. Guess what? I just really love chocolate! 
  • Have you ever really & truly had a best friend? - I've really and truly had a couple best friends! My fiancé is my BEST friend... my little sister and my Mom are some of my best friends as well. 
  • What is your hair color? - I'm a brunette!
  • Eye color? - Hazel!
  • Shoe size? - I wear between a nine and nine-and-a-half! Not exactly small feet, ha-ha!
  • Favorite fast food place? - Oooh... this is a great question! And I think what jumps into my mind is Five Guys because they have some seriously delicious burgers and French fries! Yum!
  • Favorite restaurant? - I don't know if I could ever answer this, mostly because I don't think of anything that just jumps out at me as a place I'd go all the time. I enjoy Red Robin, Olive Garden, Lonestar Steak House... I used to really enjoy Ruby Tuesday's but that isn't a thing anymore. *sigh*
  • Do you like sushi? - I don't like sushi even a little bit. Gross.
  • Watch TV today? - I didn't watch any TV today. I haven't watched a whole lot of TV in the last few months... I've been busy doing a bunch of other things, which is such a change from a few years ago when I watched multiple TV shows a night because I didn't have anything else going on.
  • Favorite day of the year? - Christmas! It's always Christmas! Thanksgiving is a close second!
  • Play any musical instruments? - I can sort of play the piano... I took lessons for a very long time when I was a child but didn't continue with them. I like to play by ear as well, which used to get me in trouble. *smiles*
  • Republican or Democrat? - What if I'm neither? In a lot of things I lean more conservative but I'm honestly completely fed up with political parties and politicians as a whole. It's all a gross corrupt system and it makes me ill.
  • Kisses or Hugs? - All the kisses and all the hugs! It depends on the mood but I'm almost always good with hugs from family and close friends... however I am not a casual hugger. And all the kisses from my fiancé, please and thank you!
  • Relationship or One Night Stands? - Relationships. Don't even get me started on one night stands. To each their own but it's a hearty no thanks where that is concerned.
  • What was the last thing you bought? - It's not that exciting but it was an anniversary card for my parents and a bottle of water. Thrills! 
  • Would you ever be a housewife? - I would be a housewife gladly! Only time will tell but that is definitely something I would do once Ryan and I have children... if that is what I'm meant to do.
  • What book are you reading? - I am currently reading 56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard; it's a thriller about a murder that takes place during the quarantine lockdown of COVID. So far, it's pretty interesting! 
  • Describe your love life? - My love life is a joy and a delight. I have a wonderful fiancé who loves me and makes me feel incredibly special and precious to him. I am so extremely happy and in love!

So - that's that! A little bit more information about me and some of these answers have definitely changed and it's fun to see those answers. 

1 comment:

  1. We definitely still have the Disney Train set and you are the queen of sarcasm!
