Friday, August 13, 2021

Five on Friday

Holy moly - the weekend is finally here. Y'all, this week has been a rollercoaster and my emotions; much like my person in general, are not a fan of sharp turns, steep hills and drops. Just saying - I'm really glad to see the weekend arrive. 

One. Weekend Plans - Oh sweet sweet weekend, I am so very thrilled to see you arrive. Tonight I am looking forward to trying out the pizza and homemade ice cream sandwiches at Pizzoco Pizza Parlor. The handmade ice cream sandwiches are by Nightingale and have flavors like Cookie Monster, Fat Banana, Peaches and Cinnamon and Chocolate French Roast - just to name a few! Yum! Ryan and I are also going to a pool party that the church is sponsoring tonight, so that should be fun!

Tomorrow morning I'm going to get my hair cut/styled and I can't wait! I am going to be getting some length trimmed off and I'm really looking forward to that... it's been hot ya'll! My Mom and I have pedicures on Saturday afternoon and then Saturday afternoon once Ryan gets off work, we will have the whole afternoon to chill. Sunday (after church) my Mom and I are going to a wedding expo and I am so excited! Talk about another little part of a much larger dream coming true!

Two. Thought Provoking - I follow the artist behind the Awkward Yeti (Nick Seluk) on Instagram and I love the way he looks at life and how his cartoons address the world around us in relation to our heart, mind and so much more. I especially love the Heart and Brain comics because I feel like they are so relatable - how many times have your heart and brain been at in conflict? I know mine can be!

I saw this comic earlier this week on Instagram and it really spoke to me.... not just on a personal level but on the whole. I know there are so many times that I wish people would act more kindly because they don't know what I'm carrying - but maybe the solution is that I just try to react more kindly to others and remember that we never know what others are carrying. We all bear the weight of something in our lives, so maybe a little more kindness and compassion are never a bad idea?

Three. My Little Family - I know I'm partial (and I also know I look a little less than great here, but who cares) but I absolutely love my little family that I am building. I've been blessed to be in a wonderful family for my thirty-six years of life and now, Ryan and I are creating our own little branch - from both his family tree and mine.

I snapped this picture offhand last night and then later in the evening was just so touched to realize that this is our family for now. We certainly have prayers, hopes and plans for our family to grow and change (children and pets) as the Lord sees fit in the future, but for now - this is us. And I love us!

Four. The Heat is On - It has been absolutely blazing this week! We've reached that place in August where the temperatures climb to close to 100 and just walking outside causes you to be immediately drenched in sweat. I feel like this always happens in Virginia in August for about two weeks and then things start to slowly but surely move toward Autumn.

While I am not loving the heat, it does lend itself to some pretty spectacular sunsets with peaches, oranges and pinks each evening. I tend to think of Summer sunsets as pastel and hazy, while the sunsets that will arrive in Winter will be bold and fiery. And while I'm not yet looking forward to the chillier weather, I would like it to be a little less hot! 

Five. Vacation on the Horizon - I'm headed on vacation (again - I know, I just came back from a vacation) next Wednesday! My fiancĂ© and I are flying down to Florida for about a week to spend time with his Mom and I am 95% pumped and 5% anxious! The 5% definitely comes into play because of the Delta variant that is ripping through Florida right now... but we are all in the category of vaccinated, so hopefully we will all just have a nice vacation. No COVID please and thank you!

We are planning to pop over to Islands of Adventure one day (hello face mask) and I can't wait to ride Hagrid's Motorbike Adventure! I love all things Harry Potter and cannot wait to be in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter again! We are also checking out the Kennedy Space Center, popping out to the beach and taking out the MiL's friend's boat. It should be an awesome week! Now - I just have to figure out how to pack for the week in just a carry on... eek! 


Pizza and the pool and pedicures and packing... and so many other things. I am so excited that this weekend is here and that next week is a short work week for me. Y'all enjoy your weekend!

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