Friday, July 30, 2021

Five on Friday - Life Lately

Well - this isn't my usual Five on Friday format; I don't actually have five things to break down for you but I wanted to play catch up a little bit since I have finished recapping my amazing vacation to England and Scotland! 

Being back at work has honestly just felt like stepping back into a comfy pair of shoes - I really enjoy my job and the people I work with, so I always look forward to seeing everyone when I return. I have been sipping my coffee out of my new mug - and I know, I needed a mug like I needed a hole in my head - but it says "HappyNESS" and has Nessie on it... and it was only FIVE POUNDS. You can't resist a deal like that guys.

I'm loving getting my Bride Box in the mail and this last month I got the cutest little white slippers that have the word "Bride" embroidered on one side! So cute! I am going to have to throw on the tank I got in my first box that says "Sweating for the Wedding" and get to making the rounds the block to get myself in better shape! 15 Months and just a couple days to go until I'm walking down the aisle and I know it will pass faster than I think!

Speaking of the wedding - my sweet fiancé surprised me when I returned home with a Message in a Bottle that had the most precious message from him ahead of him arriving to spend the weekend. The time we were apart while I was on vacation in the United Kingdom was the longest we'd be apart since we met... I know - so pitiful, ha-ha! He also arrived to visit with a dozen red roses - so he is just knocking it out of the park right and left!  

We had a good weekend last weekend - even if portions of it were a little hectic. Ryan will be moving to Virginia as of August 1st and so we made a trip to Pennsylvania to grab some of his things and he was wearing his bicycle helmet while we were going down the road... I told him people would think he was afraid of my driving and he just giggled. *sigh* 

I don't really have any pictures from this last week - I feel like it has passed in a blur! I ended up catching the dreaded Summer cold around Wednesday and so I've been taking Vicks Cold & Flu in alternating slots with Advil Sinus Pressure & Headache and laying waste to some boxes of Kleenex. I had a good dentist visit on Thursday and I'm headed into DC to watch a Nationals game tonight - although I'm not sure who will actually be playing since the team traded away half the team last night before the trade deadline. *OUCH*

I cannot believe that tomorrow is the last day of July - how are there only five months of 2021 left?

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