Friday, February 26, 2021

Five on Friday - Books, Blue Skies & Brevity

Well y'all - February is almost over! I truly cannot believe it because January always feels like it lasts for years and usually February is exactly the same, but this year it's sped by pretty quickly. I am absolutely looking forward to March, if only because it makes my brain feel like warmer weather and longer days are getting closer! 

I don't have a lot to share on this final Friday of February (so much alliteration) but I do a few things - and that's better than nothing. So, shall we begin with some books I've read this last month?

One. The Duke & I by Julia Quinn - This is the first book in the eight (maybe nine) book series that follows the Bridgerton children in Regency Era England as they look for love. After falling in love with the series on Netflix, I knew I had to grab the book(s) and while they proved a bit hard to find - I've finally collected them all. 

I loved the story between Daphne and Simon - and while to book was a bit different from the first season of the Netflix series, all in all it was just a fun and fluffy read. I'm looking forward to reading the second book, which follows Daphne's older brother Anthony... it should be just as fun!

Rating - **** (out of 5 stars)

Two. The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides - I bought this book for a whopping $1 at the annual library book sale here in town, so it was a steal! I'm glad because while I'd seen so many rave reviews of this book... it just sort of underwhelmed me. It is the author's first book and so I'll be interested to see what follows this book - it was good but not great - but my opinion seems to be in the minority.

The story follows a therapist at a mental hospital trying to get a murder confession from one of the patients... but since she was arrested, she hasn't spoken a word. It did have a twist at the end that was interesting but it didn't just blow my mind like I was expecting it to...

Rating - ** (out of 5 stars)

Three. The Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse - Confession: I still have about 50 pages of this to read but I am really enjoying it! I've been busy over the last two weeks that I've been reading this and so I think that's why it's taken me so long to get through this! It was an impulse buy at Books A Million in January but it's been a really good read!

The story centers on a sanatorium turned luxury hotel, murders that are taking place at the hotel and the cop that is trying to solve the murder while grappling with her own anxieties from a death in her past. I'm not sure how it will wrap up yet, but it's been a great read so far!

Rating - **** (out of 5 stars)

Four. Wintry Weather - I'm currently looking out the window at blue skies and brownish-green grass but that wasn't the case at the start of this week! Monday morning began with sleet and the snow and then finally... sunshine! The drive to work on Monday was a wee bit hazardous but once I was there, all was well!

The pictures were taken about four hours apart and honestly - it's proof that weather can be weird just about everywhere! It was above 60 on Wednesday and it's supposed to rain all weekend. However - the forecast for the next fifteen days shows temperatures hovering around the mid-50's, so you'll hear no complaints from me!

Five. Weekend Plans - The weather is supposed to be in the mid-60's all weekend... but it's also supposed to rain all weekend. *sigh* I've got dinner plans tonight but beyond that, my weekend is wide open. I want to finish up a book and honestly - just relax. And I'm sure I'll end up doing just that. 


Y'all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy it while it lasts! I'm so glad to see March on the horizon and I certainly hope this March is filled with good surprises (since last March was not). 

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