Monday, March 18, 2019

Weekend Goals Accomplished

How did Monday get here so fast?!? I feel like I was just scooting my way out of the office on Friday afternoon and somehow here I am, back at my desk again! I blinked and the weekend had passed! Doesn't that always seem to be the way of it though?

I'm pleased to report that I accomplished my weekend goals - and my weekend goals were to do absolutely nothing, ha-ha! Okay - that's not entirely true, I didn't do absolutely nothing but I didn't do a whole lot and I enjoyed doing not a lot.

We got off work early on Friday and the weather was absolutely perfect - not a cloud in the perfect blue sky, a light breeze and temperatures in the mid-70's - so after a quick Wal-Mart pit stop, I picked my puppy up at home and we made our way to the Virginia State Arboretum to explore. There weren't too many signs of Spring just yet and not a lot was in bloom, but Watson thoroughly enjoyed exploring. 

Wondering why I'd want to sit down when there is so much to see...
One tree starting to bloom...
Wee purple flowers on the ground...
Lots of greenery on the surface of the swamp...
Friday evening I cooked one of my favorite random recipes that I found in an edition of Women's Day months ago and fell in love with: Creamy Corn Pasta with Bacon & Scallions! It's so yummy y'all! I shared a little pasta with Watson and proceeded to binge watch the final season of Catastrophe on Amazon Prime - and yes, I watched all 6 episodes on Friday night. Each one is only about 25 minutes long, so I essentially watched a long comedy. I also took a really nice bubble bath and finished up reading The Tattooist of Auschwitz - an excellent read. 

I slept in until almost 8:30 on Saturday morning and that was an absolute delight! I sipped my coffee and watched the Hulu series Shrill - which is honestly a hit or miss for me. I didn't hate it but I also didn't love it...however my ambivalence did not stop me from watching all 6 short episodes. Around lunch time, I packed it into the car and went up the mountain to hang with my friend Katie and her sweet little son. 

Look at his little Viking hat!!!
We had lunch and caught up, I built block towers with little fellow and read books and we talked - little fellow just talks up a storm and has the cutest little voice! *swoon* I stuck around with them until around 3:30 and then headed home to walk the pupper and spend a little time reading out on the back porch in the sunshine. 

I passed the rest of the evening making Plain Chicken's Nacho Chicken Soup for dinner (which Watson begged for extensively) and continued my binge watching of Schitt's Creek for the evening. I took another lovely bath and went to bed earlier than on Friday night...mostly just so I could lay in bed, be toasty and start reading a new book: Circe. 

Sunday morning after sipping my coffee, I made sure to add green to my wardrobe for church - I didn't want to get pinched! The pastor spoke on living life to your full potential; it was an excellent sermon, I always feel like he's speaking right to me. It's wild. I popped into Taco Bell (guilty pleasure) for lunch because I had a gift card... and of course, Watson wanted all the bites...

I rounded out the rest of the weekend with a quick Target run where I actually only bought the things I needed - shocking, I know! Once I came home, I did some laundry and took a little nap (with my pup). I also had to rescue my pup from the neighbor's dogs - snapping at him through the fence. *sigh* I sense lots of confrontation with the neighbor pups as the weather gets warmer...

I met my parents for dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant and then once I was home, I watched an episode of The Great British Baking Show with my Mom and sampled some of the fabulous chocolates that she brought me back from her weekend trip to Lynchburg! And - that was my weekend in a nutshell - a whole lot of binge-watching, relaxing and enjoying myself... just as I planned.

Perfect chocolate truffles. 

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