Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Currently: October

I may have mentioned this yesterday - I may not have - there was that whole thing with starting one post and then having to start all over again, so I'm not 100% sure. There is only a week of October left - a week!?! Where in the world did this month go?? I was JUST in Las Vegas and that was at the start of the month...

Moving right along....currently I am... *wanting and wishing the formatting of this would adjust itself the way I fix it...but that isn't happening, so excuse the wonkiness*

Wanting: The election to be over and done with. I'm not a fan of politics; it always seems to be oily and deceitful, but this election has taken politics to a whole new low. The arguments on Facebook with people bashing candidates and one another is bad enough...but the actual candidates are on a whole different level of shameful. I'll just let my meme below speak for how I feel about all this silliness...where are you November 9th?

Watching: Too many things, ha-ha! That's the story of my life! I have really gotten invested in This Is Us (makes me cry every time...) Timeless, Westworld and American Horror Story. All four shows are really different but engrossing in their own ways and so I'm enjoying watching all of the different stories unfold!

 Enjoying: The cooler weather! It feels like Fall and I'm just so very pleased! I love living in a place where I can actually experience four seasons as opposed to the two seasons Mississippi had: Winter for two months and Summer for the other ten, in varying degrees. The wind is currently whipping past my window and scattering red, yellow and orange leaves all over the place and I love it!
Making: The most of this week! I have something happening every night this week and my normal homebody self would normally want to (maybe) scream a little bit at being so busy, but I'm trying to make the most of it and take it all in! I should mention all the things on the calendar are things I WANT to do/be present for/see...but I know that sometimes even when I want to be doing something, the Introvert in me takes over and kind of squashes that. So - I'm enjoying all my outing this week: a movie, coffee with friends, Bible study, book club and game night...whoosh!
Cooking: Slow Cooker Ham and Potato Soup...I found it on Pintrest and so tomorrow I'll be testing it out to see how it goes! It looks absolutely delicious and I'm thinking all my people will actually eat it and enjoy it - so wish me luck! If it turns out, I'll share the recipe!

Slow Cooker Ham and Potato Soup that's creamy, full of vegetables and chunks of ham. SmithfieldFlavor AD:

Reading: Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs; it's the third book in the Miss Peregrine's Trilogy and I'm more than halfway through the book. I can't wait to see how it concludes!
Wishing: ...for things I don't have. I definitely had a deep conversation with a friend recently and we both wondered if that was just the state of being human; you always want what you don't have, and you think if you just got that one thing...you'd be happier. Whether that want is a husband or a baby or a different job or a new home...the list could go on and on... Maybe I should be focusing (wishing) a little bit more on my walk with the Lord and leave all those other wishes to Him?
Loving: This "season"...not of life; although this season isn't so bad, the season in general. The last three months of the year are always my absolute favorite! I love Halloween and Thanksgiving and then...oh...then Christmas! Christmas is my most favorite and it's only 60 days away! And yes - I did just remind you that there are only two months until Christmas. Isn't it great?!?

glowing-christmas-tree image Homemade Turkey Thanksgiving Dinner with Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, and Corn

Looking: For Christmas gifts! I have ideas here and there...but I like to get to work early on Christmas shopping (although not as early as my Mom...she's probably halfway done...) and be able to just enjoy the month of December without racing around finding last minute gifts. I have some of my people all sorted out but others, I have absolutely no clue. So the search for the perfect gift continues!
Eating: All the soups and stews and chilis! I think I've maybe mentioned how much I love this particular part of the year and one of my very favorite things about cooler weather is that soup weather is finally here! Granted; when I lived alone, I am not even ashamed to admit I ate soup in the middle of August in Mississippi. I love soup - so much! I've been hunting up some new recipes to try because if I had my way, we'd just eat soup for the entirety of Fall and Winter!
Needing: A closet! That's right - I am currently without a closet and it's making me a wee bit crazy. *sigh* I have clothes on hanging racks and boxes that are made to hang clothes and shoes just kind of...chaotically organized in one corner of my bedroom. The closet is in the works but clutter makes me feel a little bit unhinged. What can I say - I get it honest. Ask my Mom about that one. Also...that's not my room pictured below...but it could be...

Image result for random clothing pile image

Wearing: Fleece-lined leggings! It was in the mid-40's this morning and when I headed out the door to walk the dog the breeze was brisk...and that's putting it mildly. While I love the coolness, part of that is love is being able to walk around in the cooler temperature while still feeling toasty! I got a three pack of fleece-lined leggings last year and they are one of the best things I've ever bought! They keep my legs so nice and toasty and are perfect under dresses and tunics in this cooler weather!
Feeling: Glad that it's no longer Monday, ha-ha!
Hoping: That the rest of the week is smooth and calm and the weekend lasts a long time, ha-ha!
So...that's all for now. Are you glad it's Tuesday? I know I am! It means the roller coaster that is the work week is nearing the top of the lift hill...

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