Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Back on Track

Forgive the radio silence over the past few days - I was living wild in Las Vegas over the weekend.

Ha! If your definition of living wild includes touring a Titanic artifacts exhibit, perusing the Grand Canal Shops and The Forum and being asleep by like...oh...11:00 at night...then yea, I was living wild! I'll recap my weekend in Vegas more in the coming days but before I get too far ahead of myself, a few pictures from last week!


The first week of October started off lovely enough; granted it obviously started on Sunday the 2nd and that included a Nationals win, so I guess really lovely would be a better description. After work on Monday, I joined my Mom at McAlister's for supper and at her suggestion we brought Watson along so he could be included and we were able to sit outside and take in the cooler temps and plentiful sunshine! I love how fall-like it felt last week...and is still feeling this week!


After dinner on Monday night, Watson promptly positioned himself in the front seat of the car...forcing me to climb in the back seat for the ride home. He knew what he wanted and he wasn't moving! We laughed until we were almost in tears watching the little nugget position himself in the passenger seat and then look at me as if to say "I'm not moving, so I guess you better get in the back."

Another thing he loves is rugs! The new house has plenty of them - in the entry way, the living room, the dining room, the hallway and don't even get me started on the carpeting. Watson loves a good rug and apparently even a rug pad will do in a pinch...


My Mom and I were trying to get a new rug laid out on Tuesday evening and Watson would not move off the padding... Once we finally persuaded him to move, we placed the rug and he promptly jumped on it. Getting him to move (again!) was like pulling teeth; we needed to adjust the rug and he just wanted us to leave him alone and let him stretch out. We finally got the rug situated and he got himself situated on it as well...and there he stayed for a large chunk of the night.

I spent a good portion of my weeknight(s) getting things together for my trip to Vegas. I put together outfits (because I'm so fashion forward you know...), sent pictures of the outfits to my sister, packed, added to the packing, rolled up and crunched in and picked this over that. You get the idea. I had no intention of having to check my bag...and this was only a weekend trip, but I wanted options.

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Wednesday morning was foggy and brisk; the mountains completely disappeared from the view down in the valley. After a busy day of work, I came home and scarfed down some supper before going to church for the start of the Entrusted (by Beth Moore) Bible study. Because I'm a goofball and feel like the most awkward person in new social situations (really just social situations in general, who am I kidding?) I almost bailed completely but I told myself to get it together and just go - it wasn't like anyone was going to bite me! The irony of this is (no - I didn't get bitten) that one of the first points made by Beth Moore on her video was that God did not make me (you...anyone...) a wimp. Point taken Lord - point taken.

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Thursday was - of course - my birthday! My sweet friends (who I also happen to work with) showered me with awesome presents at work, my Momma took me out for lunch, I got some free Starbucks for dessert and of course, there were presents and cake at home after work. It was a good day - and that's probably an understatement. I didn't celebrate too hard once I got home on Thursday because I had to be up on Friday morning at 4 AM - yes, you read that right - 4 AM. So, I celebrated turning 32 in a very old lady like fashion...I was in the bed by 9 PM!

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See that face up there? That's the face of someone who is obviously VERY excited about boarding an airplane...and then I'm excited that I'm on an airplane, you know? Actually, I'm not - but then, I'm fairly certain that's obvious. If you've read this blog very much, you'll know flying is not my favorite thing. However, I take a little pill called Ativan and it usually helps curb any anxieties I might have about the plane falling out of the sky with me in it. *sigh* The struggle is real.

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Happily - my flight to Las Vegas was uneventful - even if the 4+ hours did seem to take forever - and by 10:00 AM Vegas time (1:00 PM to me) I had arrived in sunny...HOT Las Vegas.

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One of the final pictures I snapped from the plane were some shots of the Grand Canyon (they're the two pictures directly above this paragraph) before we made our descent into Las Vegas.

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And...that's all I've got for now. I'll be back later in the week to begin re-capping my weekend in Vegas. Picture heavy it will most certainly be; but then, you wouldn't want it any other way, would you?

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