The last week was ever so slightly stressful for just a few reasons and I was pretty happy to see Friday arrive; although Friday turned out to be the most stressful day, by the time I left work at 5:45 (boo) I was pretty much done...and the weekend had only just started. Thankfully the weekend was much better than the week itself and so last week wasn't totally a loss...ha-ha!

Tuesday was another busy day at work and as soon as I was in the door from work I had about thirty minutes to change and catch my breath before we were off again - you know how those weeks go! My Mom and I joined our friends Jen and Jennie for supper, some chatting and laughing at their goofy kids, Jimmy, Emily and Amelia. We ate yummy potato soup and French bread with some delicious cupcakes as dessert since this was a belated birthday celebration for me! My sweet friends gave me gift cards to the Alamo and Starbucks, some lovely smelling soap, chocolate and wine - movies, coffee, candy and wine - what's not to love?

Wednesday was another whirlwind day at the office - all the days at the office last week seemed whirlwindesque. And that's not a word, but I'm still going to use it! I finally relaxed a little bit on Wednesday night but it wasn't quite as relaxing as I'd hoped. I wanted to take a nice long bath but I also felt like I couldn't leave Watson alone since he apparently still has a penchant for gnawing on walls in his spare I ended up putting him in his crate while I hopped in the tub. And the whole time I was in the tub I felt so badly because I knew that he was in his you have it. Blah!

Friday - well Friday was not a great day. I'll put that out there and just say that on the way home...well...let me backtrack. After finally leaving the office at 5:45 (still boo) and driving across town a bit intending to join my Mom and our friend Angie for Ladies Game Night, I arrived and just decided that I didn't even feel up to getting out of the car. I called and told my Mom that and then proceeded to cry all the way home. It wasn't a proud moment by any means but my week had been less than great and I guess it finally took it's toll and I was just in tears. It was nothing that a warm bowl of chili, some TV (This Is Us and American Horror Story) and a glass of wine couldn't begin to mend and by the time I went to bed, I was feeling somewhat less emotionally destroyed.

Saturday morning I slept in and had my required cup of coffee - coffee is a requirement for any and all days; if I'm required to be a functioning member of society. Our longtime family friend Angie had stayed the night and so we all got ourselves looking acceptable and headed into Front Royal for a late breakfast at D'Lee's Pancake House; definitely one of those places that doesn't look like much, but trust me when I tell you - the food is delicious! If you're ever visiting the National Park and want a place to eat; cruise into Front Royal and grab breakfast at D'Lee's - it was yummy!

My friend Danielle and I had plans to go see Rocky Horror on Saturday night at 11:30 and all day we sent text messages to one another saying "what were we thinking when we bought those tickets?!?" and "we are never going to be able to stay awake for this!" - old lady alert! We finally decided around 8:00 that we were going to cut our losses and pass on going; Danielle didn't feel well and I was dreading being up until almost 2:00...when it was all said and done. I was so happy to not be going somewhere at 11:00 at night that I hopped up off the couch and cheered. Ladies and Gentleman - at the ripe old age of 32 - I cannot hang with the kiddos anymore!

Sunday seemed like it passed much too quickly - I think with Monday always looming on the horizon, Sunday flies by every week! After church I ran to the store to grab some last minute party supplies and then spent some time sitting outside in the sunshine with my dog. He decided he was just going to "give up" in the middle of the grass and after a few minutes, I just sat down on the sidewalk and let him nap in the grass for about thirty minutes.

After lunch, I picked up and cleaned up and did some general tidying up in preparation for hosting my LuLaRoe Pop-Up. I also made some delicious ghost cookies to serve at the party and they turned out really cute! Around 4:00 Mackenzie (my wonderful LuLaRoe consultant) arrived and I helped her...well really I just she put up racks of beautiful clothes! I also took picture after picture to send to my sister so she could decide what she might want to buy for herself.

And now here we are - Monday once more - and Halloween at that! And this will be two posts in one day! Anyhow; another week has begun and here's hoping it's better than the last one (that rhymed...ha-ha!) So - I'll leave it at that and check back in tomorrow!