Monday, April 15, 2024

Potato Weekend

What; you may ask, is a potato weekend? Well a potato weekend is when you spend your weekend acting like a potato... not doing very much. Akin to; I guess, being like a couch potato. But you can do your potato-ing wherever you please...however you please. 

I suppose I did a little of potato-ing on Friday night: I had pizza for dinner and after a bubble bath and some reading, I curled up on the couch and started the show Palm Royale on Apple TV - which is hilarious and delightful! When I was a youngster - I would have probably stayed up to watch multiple episodes, but I am veering dangerously close to 39 and holding - - - so I went to bed around 10 PM. My husband was out of town for a work trip, so for the first time in a hot minute I slept in the very center of the bed but I didn't relish it quite as much as I thought I would. *sigh*

Saturday was a beyond stunning day - weather wise - brilliant blue skies, fluffy white clouds and everywhere you turn, Spring is absolutely bursting into life! Flowers were in bloom and I spent the earlier part of the day being shown around Page County, Virginia by my dear friend Jayne! Page County is where Ryan and I were married in November of 2022 and is absolutely; to me at least, akin to heaven on Earth! It's situated in the valley between two mountain ranges, so everywhere you look - the views are of stunning mountain peaks and I am a sucker for mountain views!  

We did a little boutique shopping and goodness y'all - we went to the cutest place in Elkton, VA called With My Soul Boutique! The boutique is named for the wonderful Christian hymn "It is Well with My Soul" and it is filled with the most gorgeous clothes, at really excellent prices - I couldn't get over all the adorable things they had! Even more than that - I couldn't get over the prayer wall they had! I filled out a prayer request and hung it on the wall; when they host Bible studies in their space, they pray over the prayer wall! Y'all - that is incredible! Yes and amen! 

I just couldn't get over how gorgeous the countryside was - hence all the pictures, ha-ha! I snapped them constantly from Jayne's car! I cannot believe that we live in a world that is just so stunningly gorgeous! I think we are often distracted from the beauty of the world by all the crazy going on - and that's part of the reason why I love living in a small town (that's just close enough to the big city) - it's much more peaceful and you can see the stars at night!

We had a delicious lunch at Gathering Grounds and then Jayne dropped me back at my house around 2:30... and the rest of the afternoon unfolded like some kind of slapstick comedy! I realized very quickly that I had managed to lock myself out of the house... and after multiple YouTube videos and instructions from my husband and my parents - I began attempting to break into my own house. Shockingly - it didn't go so well. *insert laughter here*

My amazing friend Meridith showed up around 3:30 - expecting to sit inside and do Bible study, but instead, she joined the B&E Crew & we were still.... unsuccessful! Finally, a nice neighbor came along and used his considerable building skills to determine that 1) we would have never gotten in with the credit card method and 2) he was going to have to full on bust the lock off the door! We finally got into the house around 4:45, spent a little more time together and then I passed the rest of my evening watching Palm Royale and relaxing... you know, being a potato! 

I couldn't resist sharing the cute finds from my shopping on Saturday - this didn't all come from With My Soul Boutique! I got the jeans and tees from the Coffee Shop Boutique and I got the blue dress from the Virginia Gift Shop in Luray! I want to go back to all three places in the future! 

I barricaded the garage door shut on Saturday night - slept like a log and woke up on Sunday to another gorgeous Spring day! It was absolutely sun roof weather, so after a lazy morning drinking coffee, I got ready for church and took the Lexus - letting the delightful Spring breezes ruffle my hair as I cruised towards the church! Seriously - not a cloud in the sky! However, I can tell that not wearing my retainers has definitely caused my front teeth to shift - oops! 

The church celebrated twenty years of service from our Pastors - it is such a blessing to be a member of Abundant Life Church and I can't wait to see what the future holds for the church. After a quick stop at the store, I headed back home where I spent a LOT of time sitting on the deck: I sat on the deck to eat lunch, I sat on the deck to read, and I sat on the deck to paint my toenails. The weather was so completely stunning and so I had to take advantage of the gorgeous day while I had it! 

 After an early dinner and a lovely bubble bath - I watched the Disney animated movie Wish - and I don't understand why it did so poorly at the movies! It was such a cute little film and I loved all the winks and Easter Eggs for other Disney movies! It was a great potato weekend and I learned that I won't be quitting my day job to take on a life of crime anytime soon, ha-ha! 

Have you ever had a Potato Weekend?

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