Friday, October 20, 2023

Friday Favorites

I cannot believe this is the second to last weekend of October! I love the "ber" months but goodness, I feel like once September begins, time just flies at an all out pace through the last four months! I suppose the logic that time flies when you're having fun applies especially to the final four months of the year since - for me at least - there is Autumn, my birthday, Halloween, my anniversary, Thanksgiving and of course - Christmas!  
One. Brisket Cooking - Y'all. I should probably save this one for when I can actually tell you how it's turned out, but here I am and I'm telling you about it now! I've never cooked brisket before but I found a recipe on Pinterest (of course) for a slow cooker brisket and it had rave reviews - so I went for it.

The pictures above are from Life in the Lofthouse, which is where I got the recipe from! I am crossing my fingers that my brisket will look similar and taste as divine as these pictures look! I followed all the steps this morning; so here's hoping that our Friday night dinner will be divine! *mouth watering*

Two. Seasonal Things - Tis' the season and all that, right? Ryan and I are planning to get pumpkins tomorrow and carve them up to place on the front porch! It's been a hot minute since I've carved a pumpkin but I can't wait to carve a pumpkin with my hubby - it's a totally new activity we've never done together! 

We are also planning to spend time outdoors on Sunday afternoon - taking in the changing leaves and the gorgeous colors that are on display! I'm also planning to get us all dressed in coordinating outfits so we can take some pictures for our 2023 Christmas card, ha-ha! My husband is such a good sport and I hope we can get some cute pictures to use! I cannot believe that Christmas is just around the corner!

Three. Holy Spirit Conference - The hubby and I are attending a Holy Spirit conference at our church this weekend and I'm pretty excited about it! The conference was held last year too but I wasn't able to attend, but I heard really good things about it, so I'm excited to see what it will hold for us.

I was raised Southern Baptist and while the Holy Spirit is certainly mentioned, it doesn't have quite the same weight as it seems to have within the Assemblies of God denomination. I've learned so much about the Holy Spirit since I've been a member of Abundant Life and even had someone pray over me in tongues - so I am excited to learn more about the Holy Spirit and grow in my relationship with the Lord!

Four. Leaving you with - My parents have been in Africa this week and while you might expect that to mean I will be sharing a picture of an elephant or a giraffe or a lion or any other wild creature, that's not what I wanted to share! 

Look at the stars in the sky! I'm sure they are so bright because there is very little light pollution out on the plains of Africa - which makes for stellar night skies! What a beautiful shot! 


I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and cherishes every moment of it! 

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