Monday, October 16, 2023

An Autumn Weekend

I'd love to say it was just any old Autumn weekend - and it was - except that I spent a large chunk of it fighting off a nasty head cold! My husband has kept my medication regiment going strong and thankfully I think I'm going to pull out on the other side, ha-ha! 


I tried to tackle it with some strong medicine on Friday - chicken noodle soup from Chick Fil A for lunch, spicy Mexican food for dinner and then a medicine ball from Starbucks for dessert! It certainly wasn't the cure all, but combined with regular doses of medicine, I felt good enough to enjoy my Saturday! Thankfully the rain held off and my friends and I were able to take in so much of the Luckett's Autumn Market... and yes, I say so much - because we'd have never been able to see it all!



My first impression of the market was that it was incredibly expansive! I realize - when you're told there are 200 vendors - that's not a small amount, but my goodness. It seemed like the market went on and on and on! There were antiques and all sorts of Halloween, Autumn, Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations, plenty of pumpkins and mums to purchase and so much stuff just lining the walkways that sometimes it was hard to know where to look, ha-ha!




The market also had food trucks set up and after being told there was a 45 minute wait for a grilled cheese - I passed on that and it was my lucky day, because a food truck I'd already passed had cheese and onion pasties! I had one of these in England a couple years ago and it was my favorite thing! This one wasn't quite the same, but then again - it was warm, filling and delicious! 

I didn't purchase anything at the market - I was tempted by a couple items, but nothing that I couldn't live without, so I headed home empty-handed but with a mind full of memories. I was home long enough to have some tea and get changed so my husband and I could go to dinner with the Kennedys! Ryan escorted Mr. Kennedy as his veteran for Honor Flight earlier this year and they were so kind to extend a dinner invitation to us for this weekend. We had the most wonderful time with them and enjoyed our time getting to know them better - I fell into bed and was so glad to be able to sleep in on Sunday!

My husband decreed that I stay in on Sunday and recover and continue to get well, so I watched church from the couch while eating my fruit and biscuit for breakfast. Ryan headed to church and ushered before heading home - we ate leftovers for lunch, watched football all afternoon and Ryan made sure to keep my strict medication rotation in effect! It was a fast weekend - but a wonderful weekend!

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