Friday, March 24, 2023

The Friday Five

It's Friday and I haven't posted an edition of The Friday Five in a million years! You guys - life has been a little hectic lately, but Spring is here and time is flying by! I just wanted to share some things that have been happening in life lately for this edition! 

One. Financial Peace University - While not the best picture, this is a picture of goal accomplished for Ryan and I! We started Financial Peace University at the beginning of the year and on Monday, March 6th we graduated from the class! I'm sure many people have heard of Dave Ramsey and I know he's got a reputation that's hit or miss - but we found the class extremely beneficial!

We are in the process of paying off all of our debt and moving ourselves into a more stable financial situation - and while it has been challenging, it has also been very rewarding and I know it will continue to be rewarding! I can't wait to see how we are able to set ourselves up for a more stable and prosperous financial future! 

Two. Daisy Jones & the Six - Anyone been watching the show on Amazon Prime? I confess, I've devoured the show and only have one episode left to watch! I must admit that part of the intrigue is knowing that Riley Keogh (the actress playing Daisy Jones) is the granddaughter of Elvis Presley - it seems very - life imitating art, I suppose...

I love every book I've read that's written by Taylor Jenkins Reid (The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and Malibu Rising to be precise) but I'd never really had much interest in Daisy Jones. However, after starting the show, I asked my friend Danielle if I could borrow her copy and I read it in just four days! So what I'm saying is both the show and the book are great!

Three. Jelly Bean Fiend - Tis' the season for jelly beans and I'm enjoying them so very much! I joked earlier this week that it seems like I forget jelly beans exist unless it's March and April, then I eat them daily and once those two months pass - I'm done for the year! 

I've been keeping my candy jar on my desk stocked with all sorts of bright little jewel-toned beans and I must confess I think my favorite jelly beans are the classic Easter offering: Brach's Jelly Bird Eggs! They are just perfection for me, but I also love Welch's Jelly Beans and Jolly Rancher Jelly Beans! Does anyone else have a favorite treat that they only eat at a certain time of the year or is this just me?

Four. Weekend Plans - The weekends always fly by and I don't have a lot planned for this one. My hubby and I are going on a date tonight and then I plan to attempt to sleep in on Saturday morning! It's supposed to be raining this evening and most of the day tomorrow - so I suppose any activities we decide to do on Saturday will have to be indoor activities! Spring Cleaning anyone?

Sunday looks like it is going to be a beautiful day - so I think we are planning to take Luna with us to church and then head to the Third Battle of Winchester trails to enjoy some time outside in the Spring sunshine! I'm sure it will feel like the weekend is passing in a blink - but I only have to work three days next week, so there's that consolation! 

Five. More Luna Pictures - Y'all know I had to share more pictures of this stinker! She has already destroyed her little mint green dog toy... just ripped his guts right out and moved on with her life. Stuffing was strewn on the rug but Luna seemed pleased with herself! What a mess she is!

She's headed to the vet on Monday and it will be good to get her all checked out and make sure she is doing as well as she should be for a feisty, ten-year old pup.


I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend and I will plan to do that myself!

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