Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Playing a Bit of Catch Up

I feel like I'm playing catch-up in so many areas of my life right now - things are so hectic but it's a good hectic (in most aspects). Last weekend started "somewhat" early because the weather brought the area another five to six inches of snow on Thursday night and so I was lucky enough to work from home... so while the work week didn't end any sooner, I did get to do my work in leggings and a sweatshirt on Friday!

Friday evening was so chill - Ryan and I had dinner together before he headed to work for the evening - before he left we discovered the show Ugliest House in America on HGTV and it absolutely cracked us up! I ended up finishing the show on Friday night (it only has five episodes and four are only 22 minutes each) and talking to my MIL on the phone for forty-five minutes. I won the MIL lottery y'all!

Saturday morning Ryan and I intended to grab breakfast from a local bakery called Garcia and Gavino but once we arrived - in spite of all outlets saying they were open - the actual bakery itself was locked up tight. We ended up ordering Cracker Barrel and heading back home to carb load (hello blueberry pancakes) before hiking around the lake, through the snow with Watson!




The high on Saturday was only in the 30's and I was sure I'd freeze - but Ryan bought me base layers in preparation for a future ski trip and they worked like a charm! We had a great time and we'd gotten in a little over four miles when all was said and done! I didn't do much on Saturday afternoon - I finished a book I was reading and ended taking a nap (sheesh) before we got ourselves put together and went to (finally) see Spiderman - No Way Home at the Alamo!

Sunday was a busy day - but proved really fruitful when all was said and done! Since Ryan and I were both awake by 7:30, we decided to go to early service at church and then get back home to start tackling the boxes of my things that I haven't gone through in the almost eight years that I've lived in Virginia! Surprisingly it wasn't as bad as I'd imagined - although I did throw away three bags of random crap and now the downstairs living room looks slightly chaotic. 

Moving is always such an experience that is filled with so many emotions - this move is overwhelmingly filled with the emotion of gratitude as Ryan and I will be home owners together. This will be my second home purchase and his first and we are just overwhelmed with the blessing of being able to do this together. There is also the anxiety and busyness that comes with sorting life, boxing things up, carefully taking them from here to there... but for me also the excitement of making a new place home.

It was a good weekend and I hope that within the next few week/weekends, life will settle down a bit and I can get back to blogging some more. 2022 is going to be such an exciting year and I already have so many things to share! 

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