Tuesday, January 4, 2022

It's January!

Another year has begun - and I have been either taking it easy or incredibly busy - it seems like it's either one or the other... no in between! *sigh* I meant to post well before the 4th of the month but I have enjoyed the doing nothing a little too much... and then work started back up and there wasn't free time. It's such a conundrum really...

I didn't really ring in the new year in any grand way - although I did have someone to kiss at midnight this year and that was pretty grand in it's own way. I closed out the year by creating a little "My Best Nine" - although I question the accuracy because it was pictures from the last 6 weeks... except for one. Who knows? I also created a Chat Book filled with pictures from our year in review - I can't wait for it to arrive!


My precious fiancé surprised me with some pretty amazing white boots that I am in love with - he's a very attentive guy because our family friend's daughter had some white Doc Martin's & I told her how much I loved them... two weeks later - I have a pair that's almost identical! I absolutely love them!

I spent the New Year's Weekend doing a whole lot of nothing. Ryan and I are trying to begin planning for the move to the new house; he will be living there until the wedding and then I'll join him, but we are planning to go ahead and move a lot of the larger items. I went through some of my things but mostly - I enjoyed doing a whole lot of nothing. I finished the second season(s) of The Witcher and The Great - so that's an accomplishment, right?

Surprisingly - after there being absolutely no snow in the forecast for the longest time, all of a sudden on Sunday afternoon we were put under a Winter Storm Warning and the forecast called for 3-5 inches of snow overnight. Ryan said he'd believe it when he saw it... and when I woke up on Monday morning, believing was seeing because the snow was pouring from the heavens and covering everything in a blanket of white.


I think the area was ill-prepared for the snow (cars stranded on I-95 anyone?) and so Ryan drove me to work because the roads were terrible and his vehicle has all-wheel drive. He's the best looking chauffer I ever did see and I'm so glad he got me safely to and from work on less than stellar roads! The wildest part of the snowstorm (as weather folks are calling it) was that my co-workers; who all live within thirty minutes of me, both got not a drop of the white stuff.

Four days into the New Year and it's been an interesting one so far. Snow and brisk temperatures... I haven't really gotten much done in a personal way but professionally the office is still wildly busy. The rest of the month looks to be a good one and I'm hoping for so much joy in this New Year!

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