Monday, November 1, 2021

Boo - it's November Y'all!

Well - that final October weekend passed pretty quickly! Just like that, it's November 1st and there are literally only NINE weeks left in this year! The last weekend of this October month was such a good one and some really wonderful memories were made! 

Friday, my friends Meridith and Danielle and I (they're also my co-workers) dressed up in our annual Halloween costume(s) of choice and this year, the theme was Schitt's Creek! We dress as Alexis Rose, David Rose & Moira Rose and I think we did a pretty excellent job! Friday was a busy work day and it rained all day long - so the costumes were definitely a bright spot in the day!


Friday night was rainy and chilly and Ryan had to go into work at 8 PM, so after cooking a big pot of Taco Soup for dinner and spending some time with him, he headed into work and I did some girly things: I took a bubble bath and did my nails while watching The Great British Baking Show! It was nice to have some girl time and paint my nails a pale pink (Olive & June Study Hall). I did some reading in bed before falling asleep!

Saturday morning was a bit slow and that was nice - I got up, had coffee and enjoyed the peace and quiet. Ryan and I then headed for Dulles Airport to pick up his Mom... although he thought that we were picking up a family friend and had no clue about the surprise that awaited him! When we arrived at the airport his Mom and her boyfriend were wearing masks & costumes but they didn't throw him off - he knew immediately that it was her!


We spent the afternoon relaxing and watching football before heading to dinner at Regions 117 for dinner - the dinner was great and the company was even better. We had great conversation and snapped a couple pictures before heading home to watch a little more football and get some sleep!

Sunday morning started bright and early - Ryan shared his testimony at church during both services and so we headed to church shortly after 8:30. A friend and former pastor joined us for first service and in second service our parents and some family of Ryan's also arrived. It was so wonderful to hear Ryan talk about how the Lord had worked in his life and be able to share it all with his family! 

After church we headed to George's for Brunch with family and friends.... although I guess it was mostly family! :) The meal was good but the company was infinitely better and we chatted and ate and finally all parted ways around 2 PM!


After an afternoon of watching NFL games and playing a Sheetz card game, Ryan and I set out to pick up pizza for our Halloween guests and when we arrived home, all the friends had arrived and there were tons of costumed kids racing around the house, already high on life and soon to be high on candy! 

We had pizza and snapped pictures with the kids - dressed as two storm troopers, a dragon, a pilot, a ghost, a sugar glider, Jack Skellington and Wednesday Addams - and then off they set to collect candy. Ryan and I manned the front porch alongside Watson and my Mom for a little while but I feel like we didn't quite see as many trick or treaters as we've seen in year's past. It's also a little mind-blowing to know that when we started all this about five years ago, there were only three kiddos and now there are seven... families have grown, kids always grow and in the years to come the group will just continue to grow even more. 



The rest of the evening was spent discussing wedding things, watching some more NFL football and generally just winding down after all the sugar and chaos of kiddos - it was a good weekend indeed and I am so blessed by everyone we spent the weekend with. Truly - life is good.

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