Monday, November 29, 2021

Thanksgiving Day - the Charleston Way

Happiest of Mondays - there are only two days left in the entire month of November! Another Thanksgiving is in the books... I've now celebrated 37 of this delightful holiday and this year's celebrations were especially wonderful because they included my future husband and his family.

Ryan and I drove down to Charleston, South Carolina on Wednesday to meet up with my parents and Ryan's Mom (and her boyfriend) to celebrate Thanksgiving and explore the city of Charleston - a location that I've never been to before! We arrived around 5 on Wednesday evening (it was a drive of just a little over eight hours) and headed to have dinner at Poogan's Porch at 7:30 - so it was our first glimpse of the city!

Dinner was tasty - although I ended up with way too much fried chicken - but that's neither here nor there, is it? We had great conversation and plenty of laughs over dinner and then headed home where Ryan promptly fell asleep, the other men ended up just lounging around and my Mom, myself and my MIL-to-be played a game of "Pick One" before calling it a night! 

After going to sleep shortly after 10 - Ryan, myself and my parents ended up getting a pretty early start around 8:30. We had some coffee and then once Ryan's Mom woke up, we chatted about plans for the day and agreed we'd do Thanksgiving dinner. The four of us set out to explore the waterfront and the Battery, while Ryan's Mom and her BF set out to bike around the city - so we all ended up seeing the sights!

We started at the famous Pineapple Fountain and made our wanderings from there - walking along the piers on the water front for a bit, snapping pictures here and there. The weather was really nice, not too chilly but thankfully not too hot either and made for the perfect day for walking around the city, seeing all the sights and being comfortable.



We'd all eaten a little bit of something for breakfast but nothing too filling and so as we wandered down Queen Street we stumbled on a spot called Poogan's Smokehouse (yep - same Poogan) and made the executive decision to pop in, grab a couple appetizers and then keep exploring... so we had some BBQ sliders, homemade chips and baked macaroni and cheese and then kept on wandering, making our way to the Charleston City Market.


We wandered the market and Ryan and I ended up getting a Charleston Christmas ornament as we explored the booths and then wandered back toward the car, slowly driving past Rainbow Row and the additional waterfront at The Battery. We made our way back to our AirBnB and changed into our stretchy pants to begin cooking and putting together all the delicious Thanksgiving foods!

Our Thanksgiving feast included Roastche (which is an Amish dish consisting of turkey and dressing all cooked together), Ham, Sweet Potato Casserole, Green Bean Casserole, Corn Casserole (so much casserole), cranberries, mashed potatoes, green peas and rolls - and it was all so very delicious! Okay - maybe not the green peas because I don't eat those, but the rest was stellar and we all six crowded around our little white table and feasted together!



Following our feast we played Pictionary - the men against the women - and let me tell you, the women absolutely dominated... much to the angst of the men! Especially my fiancé who is crazy competitive... it tickled me absolutely to watch him get so completely wound up over not winning the game! 

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving Day - and just think - next time Thanksgiving arrives, I'll be a wife!

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