I know - I just did a Bark Box post - but aren't you excited to see another one? Watson was definitely excited to see another box! Since I started his subscription a little later in September, he got his September box a bit after the normal 15th of the month ship date - so that's why we had two so close!
He still has some treats from his first box that he could be munching on...although I don't think those Bacon Barker treats from the last box are going to be a hit. I'm thinking I may have to toss them and move on; I gave him some last week and I think he still has one randomly sitting near his food bowl. He didn't touch them...except to nose them around to other spots. Oh well, you win some and you lose some.
What's this - another box just for me? |
Hmmm...my box must be Halloween themed this month. |
This month's box was (appropriately) Halloween themed and that alone is enough to make me want to keep getting the boxes, ha-ha! Will next month be Turkey themed? Will he get a stuffed Santa Claws (hehehe, see what I did there?) in December? I can't wait to find out...but I do hope he doesn't keep getting so many darn toys or I may have to start sharing them with his friends who actually play with toys!
So many treats...& he's still sniffing the wrapping... |
So...what did we (he) get this month? A lovely little haul of goodies...of course!
Bocce's Bakery - Salmon Dog Biscuits |
Who knew my dog loved fish so much?? These treats are all natural, wheat free and have...salmon! Hence the name, right? Watson sniffed and sniffed at this box and come to find out, this is what he was sniffing at! I gave him one of these to "test" and he inhaled it and immediately circled back for another. I think I might need to see where I can find some more of these...they're a hit!
Plushpuppies Invincibles - Black Cat Squeaker |
A toy - one of those things he doesn't really play with. *sigh* Which always makes me so sad, especially when the toys are THIS cute! This little cat squeaks and feels so soft and fuzzy! The best part is that unlike some other squeaky toys, this one won't stop squeaking if it get's punctured - which is why it's considered an invincible! He hasn't been interested in playing with this, but he did cuddle up and sleep with it on Saturday night. So...sort of a hit?
Chuck It! Max Glow Ball |
A ball - yeah right, like he will ever play with this! I kid you not, this dog of mine...I've tried to play fetch with him and as soon as I throw the ball (stick, toy, whatever...) and tell him to go get it, he looks at me like "you threw that and you expect me to go get it for you? Yeah right!" So, it's usually a big NO. I tossed this across the rug on Saturday and he ran after it, only to jump back and run away from it when it bounced against the wall and back at him. Oh me - afraid of a bouncy ball. This dog.
Etta Says! Treats to Go - Peanut Butter |
W absolutely loves peanut butter (yes, he's tasted it more than once) and I love that this canister can be reused for taking some treats on the go, albeit not very large treats. These are tiny treats and they're peanut butter (obviously)...which Watson loves. He sniffed at these a bit first before gobbling them up, so I'll say they're a hit. Although he seemed like he'd rather have a taste of my spoon of actual peanut butter...ha!
Wheezy Woofy's Villain Salmon Half Cigar |
This was easily the hit of the box! So much so that I even went to the Bark Shop to see about possibly ordering him a couple more. What is it? It's a salmon skin, rolled like a long cigar. And he absolutely loved the thing! It's 100% salmon, nothing else and he happily settled himself onto his "treat" rug and gnawed, licked and munched on this for a good thirty minutes! Suffice it to say - my pup loves some salmon!
I can't wait to see what November's box has in it! The treats for us have mostly been a big hit and I love being able to change things up for Watson from time to time. Even if the toys are mostly a no go, I guess we can always be kind and share with our friends. I have several friends with pups, so I guess if he keeps getting toys, I'll just start passing things out.
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