It's so strange - a year ago I was so "scared" of thirty. There was so much I felt like I hadn't done and I felt like time was speeding past me. I don't know if the saying "with age comes wisdom" is true, but I guess for me it's accurate.
I spent too much time comparing MY life, MY story with everyone else. I kept looking at the place(s) everyone else was at when they turned 30...and looking at where I wasn't. My life isn't meant to be like anyone else's - it's my story alone and it will unfold just the way it's supposed to. That certainly doesn't mean I still don't have days where I get sidetracked by those thoughts, but they are few and far between.
I am blessed beyond measure and this past year has been long on the wonderful, memorable and amazing and very short on the sad and forgettable. Life is funny that way - I dreaded turning thirty and somehow this past year has been one of the best years of my life to date and I feel like things can only get better. I am blessed indeed. I think I'll let the pictures do the "talking" from here on out.












If I could set this post to music, I think the most appropriate song would be "The Best is Yet to Come" by Frank Sinatra. My life is only just beginning and there is still so much of my story to be written - so let's do this thirty-one! In the words of Frank...
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