Oh...this week. I thought I would never see the sun again. Seriously - it was gray and rainy and crummy for seven days straight. I didn't do much all week and there weren't many things I saw worth taking pictures of....besides my dog, ha-ha. And all he did most of the week was sleep...because what else is there to do when it is gray and rainy all the time?
Sleeping...and sleeping...and sleeping... |
Precious cargo? I guess I'll find out soon enough. |
The weather cooled off & Watson decided he needed to go under cover.... |
I can't stress enough that I really did so little this past week. I wasn't nearly as dedicated to my walking as I should have been; the weather can be a powerful motivator and all I felt motivated to do was get home and curl up away from the rain. I did think I'd have to turn my car into a boat on the way home Tuesday as it poured buckets and just walking in from the car was enough to almost drench me. I worked, cooked supper a couple nights, watched TV and curled up in my bed and read. Again - not much else to do when it's raining, right?
Watson says "I can't watch Sleepy Hollow, it's too creepy..." |
A Friday night in - wine is of course a necessity. |
Wondering when the rain is ever going to stop.... |
Friday night finally arrived - still pouring rain - and my friend Katie came over to catch up, watch Outlander and drink some wine. We hadn't spent time together in what seemed like ages and so we had a grand time. I'd had big plans to be completely lazy on Saturday; something I hadn't done in a really long time, and I've decided that I'm not really very good at that. I watched Scandal for a while and took a shower and really tried to just be a complete bum...but by 12:30, I was absolutely stir crazy. I pressed on and managed not to go too nuts..ha-ha!
Rain, rain go away.... |
I suppose one of the only pretty outcomes of days of rain. |
Watson put his nap skills to the test on Saturday - & slept in every spot he could find. |
I watched two baseball games on Saturday; trying to enjoy my Nationals before the season ended on Sunday afternoon. The Nationals beat the Mets in both games on Saturday and Watson and I (okay, Watson really didn't pay much attention) cheered them on. Saturday night's game was absolutely amazing, to put it lightly. Watson and I watched through the 5th inning until my family took over the TV in the living room...so we escaped downstairs and watched the completion of the game. I didn't even realize until after the 7th inning that Scherzer was six outs away from a no-hitter. Once I shared that with my parents, they decided they wanted to watch and so we all watched with baited breath (okay, me moreso than them...) until Max had the last batter pop up, the ball was caught and the game was won. No-hitter number 2 in one season - a feat only accomplished by six pitchers in history!
The start of something good.... |
From start to finish - pure dominance. |
I love it. |
Sunday was filled with sneakiness - on my parent's part. I thought we were going to tea together; just the three of us, at the Coach & Horses Tea Room. We arrived and I was almost certain that I spied a friend's vehicle but I was sure she could be there with someone else...and I was more interested in pre-game coverage on my phone about the final Nationals game. We walked into the room...and it was filled with all of my friends! My Mom had coordinated the whole thing and pulled it off without a hitch - even though I'd spent time with each of my friends earlier in the past week, not a single one had said a thing - and they'd all known the whole time! Very sneaky indeed!
Tea with my wonderful friends - I'm a lucky girl indeed. |
Delicious roasted red pepper soup & a tea tray filled with absolutely delicious things! |
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Pre-tea photo....ha-ha. |
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