Saturday, October 9, 2010


So, in my last post I talked about subbing with some delightful little 1st graders. Well they really aren't as wonderful as they seem. They are actually just tiny little vehicles for carrying germs. I subbed one day & woke up the next day with an awesome cold. I guess the numerous trips to the Kleenex box & that one little girl who told me "my throat feels scratchy" should have been the major warning signs.

I really am kidding about kids being tiny vehicles for carrying germs. I mean, don't get me wrong; they are. They are also sweet & wonderful. I enjoyed my first subbing experience, although I probably would have enjoyed it more if it hadn't come with a parting gift that involved a raw nose, a ravaged throat & a pounding headache. My head is actually pounding as I write this & my meds are starting to kick in...although the part that is supposed to help the headache doesn't seem to be working. So, in the spirit of sickness this post will be short.

I have learned that even if you use the hand sanitizer 5 times when subbing, you should probably have used it 10 times. And if a kid tells you her throat is scratchy, don't hug her...back away...quickly. Heres to hoping I feel much better in the morning. I have to teach a room full of 5 year olds Sunday School...yikes!

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