Monday, September 16, 2024

Norway 2024 - Geirganerfjord

This post is picture heavy - because I'm pretty sure the little town of Geiranger and the Geirangerfjord are in one of the most beautiful locations I've ever been to; I am talking stunning beauty that a million pictures couldn't do justice to. But hey - as you can see - I certainly tried!

Our hotel had a massive breakfast buffet that included pretty much anything and everything you could imagine - and then a lot of stuff that Americans don't imagine as breakfast food: beans, tomatoes, cheese and crackers, brown cheese (I'll tell you more about that later)... herring in tomato sauce. Yes sir, the buffet had it all and we were able to fill up before making the thirty minute drive from Grotli to Geiranger. And let me tell you - the drive was almost as incredible as the destination! 

We were blessed with stunning weather almost every day of our trip - such a gift since Norway gets a pretty decent amount of rain most days! But we had sunshine almost every day and as you can see - on this day we had the most perfect, cloudless blue skies! It was incredible! 

There are waterfalls everywhere in Norway - literally. We joked that it was almost like seeing a blade of grass because everywhere you look, there is water flowing down the mountainside creating all sorts of waterfalls! Some of them are so teeny that you almost can't see them as they splash down the mountain face and others are massive, rushing toward the valley floor and the streams, rivers and lakes that seem to be everywhere! Fun fact - Norway is only 6.32% water - a fact I still can't quite believe is true!

Another fun fact? That patch of fog in the pictures behind us? That's Geirangerfjord! The whole fjord was covered in a lake of fog that slowly melted away as the sun came up. This was the first time we saw something like this but it wouldn't be the last! 

Geiranger is an incredibly tiny town - about 250 people live there year round and the town relies heavily on tourism! It sees something like 300,000 people in the heavy tourist season of May - September, but once late Autumn and the snow arrives - the town is pretty much snowed in. If you're there, you're not likely to be getting out! It's the third largest cruise ship port in Norway and sees between 140-180 cruise ships during tourist season ... that's so wild! I'm glad we were there in early September and there weren't any cruise ships in sight! I imagine the town would be completely overrun with so many people! 

We arrived around 9:30 and had plenty of time to poke around in shops before our fjord cruise, which left at 11:00 and was 90 minutes long. We were lucky enough to grab seats right at the front right of the boat, which provided us with wide open views of the fjord as we cruised through it! I'd highly recommend taking a fjord cruise because you get to see so much more of the fjord than just the portion that the little town is built around - and let me tell you, you can see some stunning sights!

Geiranger and the Geirangerfjord have been listed as UNESCO World Heritage sights since 2005 and is often voted one of the most stunning places in the world. The fjord is home to some pretty spectacular waterfalls too: the Seven Sisters and the Suitor are two that we were able to see in all their glory! The colors are just so spectacular as well... the deepest blues and greens, the color of the water an almost turquoise in some places. It is truly a breathtaking place! 

Our boat pulled up right alongside the waterfall named The Suitor - so we were able to capture some truly stunning pictures! I can't imagine how these waterfalls must rush and roar when Spring comes and all the snow is melting down the mountainsides! We were surprised when our tour boat then pulled up right along the edge of the mountain; obviously there is no easing into the fjord, it gets quite deep immediately! Several tour goers hopped off the front of the boat and set off hiking up the steep mountain face - and let me tell you, I was impressed! 

After our tour - we made our way down the main street of town (seriously - it's not called main street, but it was absolutely the main thoroughfare) in search of lunch! We found a table outside at a restaurant called Olebuda that had been highly recommended in our travel guidebook - and we were not led astray with that recommendation! The food was delicious, the setting was divine and the staff were incredible; our waitress was from the Czech Republic and had come to work in Norway for the summer. She was headed back to New Zealand when the season ended because she'd lived there previously and it felt more like home to her! She said she was learning who she was and what she wanted from life - so cool!

Our next plan of attack after lunch was driving up the winding Eagle Road to the viewpoint that peers over the fjord; this road was switchback curves that wound up the side of the mountain/fjord to a stunning viewpoint that hangs out over the fjord! There was also (another) little waterfall - because as I said - waterfalls are akin to blades of grass in Norway! The sights from this viewpoint... again - pictures will never do it justice, but man I tried! 

After our drive up... and back down the twists and turns of the Eagle Road, we headed over to the Geiranger Church, which is placed on a hill overlooking the fjord! Talk about a view that will leave you with no doubt about the goodness of our creator - my gosh! The views! There was also a church cat who came right up to me, so I immediately named her Inga and talked to her about her life in such a gorgeous spot, ha-ha! The next spot on the trip? The World Fjord Center - which was unfortunately closed for the day, but did have access to the waterfall trail we'd been trying to find - so success! 

The waterfall walk starts at the Fjord Center and takes you down 327 steps that run alongside the Storfossen (that's literally waterfall in Norse). This waterfall is amazing and you can tell it starts somewhere high up on the sides of the mountain before raging it's way into the center of the town and cutting a pathway down to the fjord. I cannot say enough how gorgeous Geiranger is and the whole tiny town is just surrounded by so much natural beauty - I cannot recommend a stop here enough. It's such a perfect little town. 

We began the drive back to our hotel around 5:00 because we wanted to make a final stop at the Geiranger Skywalk, located at Dalsnibba. The skywalk is located 1500 meters (4,921 feet) above the Geirangerfjord and with glass railings, it allows you to feel like you are floating above the fjord with unobstructed views; not just of the fjord, but the rest of the valley and the nearby Blabreen Glacier! Yet again - another breathtaking spot among many that were all crammed into this one lovely day! 

We arrived back at our hotel before dinner and made sure to add our names to the list of people dining - the hotel usually has a buffet but because we were visiting during "shoulder season" the hotel was not very busy; in fact, it was closing for the season a week after we were there. So - they did a three course dinner of salad, duck with potatoes and root veggies and a divine chocolate moose for dessert! I will say again - I really enjoyed staying here! The hotel just screamed "Norway" to me - with big open spaces that were filled with fireplaces and cozy, rustic furniture to lounge on while you waited for dinner or just relaxed after a day exploring. It was such a gem of a find - in my humble opinion! 

Last but not least - we learned while we were visiting Geiranger on Sunday, September 1st - that the very day previous, the town had been filled to the brim with Norwegian royalty and dignitaries because the crown princess of Norway, Martha Louise married an American shaman named Durek Varrett at the Hotel Union - right there in the teeny town. The whole affair was rife with scandal and so we had quite the laugh reading all the newspapers reactions about it... click here if you'd like to check it out too. 

In short: if you are planning a trip to Norway - go to Geiranger! Do not skip Geiranger! It is truly one of the most special places I've been to in my life and I cannot recommend you check it out enough! You will not be disappointed! 


Stops & Stays Along the Way...

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