Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Home Again - So, Mostly Pictures of Kittens

We are home once again - and that in and of itself is a story that will be told in another post - I know you wait with baited breath to hear all the details, so please feel free to tune in later in the week. In the meantime; please check out our welcoming committee when we finally got home... they just tore the blinds apart so that they could better watch for our return, right?

All jokes aside - I do consider it a win that we left two 6 month old kittens in our two week old house with a friend checking in on them and the only damage they wrought was to murder two sets of blinds and chew through the cord of their electric feeder. It's clear they have very strong feelings about certain things; they think blinds are so last year and trying to tell them when they are going to eat? No thank you - they are not okay with that. It's a good thing they're cute.

I feel confident they must have missed us since they've literally made almost every step we made since we got home. Unpacking? We will climb on the bed and traverse the dresser to see how we can be of assistance. Cooking dinner? You obviously need us to stand under your feet and yowl instructions to you about sauteing that sausage. Trying to take a relaxing bath? We will sit and stare at you, peering over the sides of the bath tub like we aren't sure what we are witnessing... but we are fascinated by it.

One of my most beloved souvenirs from our recent travels aren't even from Norway - they are from Holland! We ended up being in Amsterdam for longer than planned (that's again another story for another day) and so I couldn't resist getting wooden tulips that will stay beautiful forever! They make me so happy when I see them with all their beautiful, bright colors - now I just pray the cats don't decide to smack them off the head of the bed, ha-ha! But really... 

Isn't that a cute face? Don't let him fool you - his name has become a self-fulfilling prophecy! He's a master of chaos; he's like a little sour patch kid! One minute he's salty and then he's sweet, rubbing his little self around your legs or hopping onto the couch to say "excuse me ma'am - why did you leave us here all alone? We are babies..." Doesn't he look like he's asking serious questions?

I stayed home from work on Monday to recover from the journey home - another story y'all - I promise. I was able to get all the laundry done and get groceries and just generally get things back in order; I also got our house ready for the lovely Autumn season! I am in love with my hay bale, mum and owl seated by our front door... and our pumpkin door hanger and flag are just perfection! Also, look at the sweet face of Spook; this boy, when he finally finds his bravery, I know he will be the sweetest little guy!

So - we arrived home and as I said, I got our house back in order... took down the destroyed blinds (well actually, Ryan did that) and got everything back together. We also had a gorgeous gift from our home builders waiting for us at our front door, which was so nice! And now - it's Tuesday (I almost said it was Monday) and I was welcomed back to work joyfully and I cannot believe that we are already ten days into September! Y'all! 

I shall return with tales of Norway and fjords and Vikings and trolls and moose... all the things. 

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