Tuesday, June 4, 2024

My Office

Happy Tuesday! I feel like I have really been on a roll here in the last few weeks with blogging and I wanted to keep my roll going; I wanted to share some pictures of my office, since I finally feel like it's arranged the way I like it! 

When I started my job with the Department of Social Services - I was originally in an office with a brick accent wall and skylight. While it was a lovely office, I didn't have any outside views and I definitely missed seeing the sunlight/rain clouds/changing of seasons... but after about two months in my position, there was a stroke of luck! A co-worker decided to move on and I was told I could have her office - which came with two huge windows that look out onto the street and the train station across the street! I jumped at the chance and I have been loving being able to have natural light to work by! 

All of the offices are of a similar size - so there isn't really much difference from my first post here at DSS; but in my opinion, the windows make the room! I love the way the natural light comes into the room and a couple weeks ago, I even got to watch hail come crashing down out of the sky and clattering to the street below, ha-ha! Thank goodness I get to park my car in a parking garage! 

I've filled my office with so many things that make me smile - because let's be honest, we spend a ton of time at our job! I want to like this space where I spend so much time! I love my pictures of precious family and memories, items that make me smile and remind me of precious times in my life and little mementos of life so far. 

I am so enjoying my work with the Department of Social Services and especially loving my office where the trains go by, honking as they pass and the Summer sunshine (today at least) is streaming through my windows! I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my office and where I spend so much of my time each day! 

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