Friday, June 28, 2024

Adios to June!

June has absolutely flown by - my goodness - are we really already (almost) halfway done with 2024? I truly cannot believe how quickly the first half of this year has gone by; it's been a pretty wonderful year so far, I cannot wait to see what the rest of the 2024 holds for us! I know we have some exciting things on the horizon - so let's close out June and the first half of the year. 

The house is continuing to go right up and we are loving watching each step of the process! Earlier this week we went to our (very early) pre-drywall walk through, where we; along with our realtor, reviewed everything that's been completed so far and made sure it all looked good to go. And it did! So they began hanging drywall on Thursday - and so, we were told that from Thursday we are looking at 45-60 days to completion! 

After a brutally hot week last week (temperatures in the mid-90's/heat indexes in the low 100's), the weather has cooled off a little bit this week and has actually been really nice! I've enjoyed sitting in my office with the windows open, letting the breezes from outside blow in and cool off my office. Now that the heat has subsided a little bit - we have also discovered that my parents DO have baby bunnies in the backyard again; these were maybe born a little later than normal. The little brown specks of fluff can be hard to see - but I did capture one little fella on Wednesday morning just chilling. 

Yesterday (Thursday) was the DSS Employee Picnic and everyone got to take the lunch hour and get the awesome catered lunch from Jimmy John's! There were subs, chips, cookies, two huge cakes, all the fixings and drinks - it was really awesome! Myself and some of my team members grabbed our plates and headed out to the little garden right across the street from the main office to sit in the shade and enjoy our picnic. A lot of people stayed indoors - but we wanted to take advantage of the gorgeous weather - and the gorgeous setting! 

June has been a good month - it's had it's hard days, but most of the days were good and some of them were even great. We are blessed indeed and so thankful for the beautiful life we've been given. I cannot wait for the second half of this year and all the blessings I pray that it brings. 

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