Friday, January 22, 2021

Five on Friday - The Third Week of January was NOT my Week

You read that correctly - this week was just not my week. Even with the day off on Monday, the rest of the week was.... not great. We'll just leave it at that. That would be why there was no blogging on Monday or Tuesday. So now on this Friday... I am playing catch up on this weird and not so wonderful week.  

One. Universal Yums - I signed my family up for Universal Yums and our first box arrived last weekend. I know some friends who have tried this and I always enjoy watching the videos of people opening and exploring their foreign treats - so at $16 for the small box - I figured, why not?

Our box was from the Netherlands and had six items to sample: Candy Cars (a gummy style candy shaped like; weirdly enough, Cadillacs), Gouda Crisps (little cheese crisp style crackers; flavored like Gouda), Licorice & Fruit Jellies (another gummy style candy; half was fruit-flavored & the other half was licorice), Onion & Cheese Crisps (literally what we'd think of as chips), Chocolate Covered Biscuit Bites (little biscuits, covered in dark/milk/white chocolate) and a Stroopwaffel - which is divine & can also be found in the US.

We sampled all the snacks while watching an episode of Rick Steve's Europe - all about the Netherlands! I wanted to set the mood, you know? Hands down my favorite thing was the Stroopwaffel and a close second was the Chocolate Biscuits! I'm looking forward to seeing where we go next!
If you'd like to try Universal Yums, you can use my link:

Two. Stupid Walks & Cherry Crisp - I am really craving warmer weather... but the universal at large doesn't really care what I am craving because it has been pretty chilly here in the last few weeks. I decided on Saturday that while the sun was out, I needed to seize the moment and get outside for a little while - I took a Stupid Walk.

I know you're thinking - what is a Stupid Walk? My sister and I listen to a podcast called The Popcast and one of the presenters has decided that walks taken over the course of this pandemic season should be coined as "stupid walks". There isn't anything inherently stupid about them... but sometimes when all you can do outdoors every day is to take a walk, it sometimes gets stupid. My walk got a little stupid when the sun went away and it got very cold... *shrugs*

As part of my ongoing endeavors to improve my cooking skills - I made Joanna Gaines recipe for Fatayar on Saturday night and while I thought they tasted delicious - I do not think they looked pretty and so I don't have a picture. My Mom made Joanna Gaines' recipe for Cherry Crisp as dessert and that both looked beautiful and tasted spectacular.

Three. Lapping the Lake - The weather on Sunday (of last week - I'm so behind) was another chilly but sunny day. Thankfully the combination meant that even though it was brisk, it was still worth getting outside and enjoying the sunshine. The lake where I live has a hiking trail that goes all the way around it and that seemed the best spot - so off we went into the wilderness. 

The trail is slanted at places and there were spots where the mud was thick and sucked my boots into the muck. Thank goodness for rain boots that come almost up to my knees, ha-ha! The hike was good and I actually ended up getting so warm that I ended up pulling my coat off and wearing it hanging off my shoulders like a cape. I'm glad that I'm able to leave near an area like this and have the opportunity to get outside - even when it's chilly. 

Four. The Great Outdoors - Monday was another chilly day but yet again, I decided to get outside regardless of the chill in the air. I wandered all over the edge of the field near the house and Watson was wildly thrilled with all of it. He loved climbing through the brambles, bushes and branches and sniffing each and every leaf that blew into our path.

Later in the day on Monday I took Watson over to the boat launch where we discovered that all the Christmas trees from the community have been loaded onto the landing and are being prepared to be tossed into the lake! Watson thoroughly enjoyed ambling between each of the trees and sniffing away at them all. 

We made our way up onto the levee where to the left are views out across the valley and to the mountains beyond and the views to the right are of the lake, stretching out into the distance. Watson was fascinated by it all and if only the wind hadn't been blowing like crazy, we'd have stayed out on the levee much longer. 

Five. Blustery & Blizzardy - Last but not least... the crazy weather this week! Wednesday morning I took Watson out to start the day and there were flurries that could barely be glimpsed when looking into the light. We came inside and within minutes... seconds even of shutting the door behind us, a blizzard had blown it!

It snowed all the way to the office and then came down pretty consistently until almost noon - it was a little bit wild! My ballet flats weren't exactly the best footwear choice but then again, I also didn't expect it to snow half the day! I still feel like I'm pretty over Winter but I might as well settle in because the forecast is calling for snow again on Monday! *sigh*


So - all in all I'm glad this week has been recorded and we are all moving on from it. I'm hoping the rest of January will be quiet, calm and maybe with a little less snow. I realize as I type that... the last point is probably a laugh. Oh well. *shrugs*

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