Tuesday, April 10, 2018

It Was Not A Busy Weekend

I mean that in all seriousness - the weekend passed at one of those weird...sort of fast and sort of slow paces where sometimes I'd look at the clock and think "is that the time?" and later look again and think "IS THAT the time?!?" I know - crazy, right?

Time is strange thing because the week itself seemed to have that fast and slow quality going on all at once - so I guess the trend just carried through to the weekend. Regardless of the way time moves, the real report I have for you this weekend is that a hidden gem in Northern Virginia is Water Street Kitchen! It's on the walking mall in Winchester, Virginia and was recently revamped - and the food is to die for!

We popped in for dinner on Friday night and I would go back in a heartbeat! We started with the sweet corn hush puppies - I could have eaten the whole basket on my own but between trying not to weigh hundreds of pounds and also feeling that I should probably share the food...well, I didn't eat all of them on my own! I got the chicken fritters (just chicken tenders) with loaded baked beans and macaroni and cheese as my sides - and yes; nothing about that meal says healthy but it does say delicious!

I'd definitely recommend checking this place out but it's a small restaurant - so arrive early or be prepared to wait. They do have outdoor seating and the walking mall is really nice in the Spring...then again; it's snowing today and so "Spring" is a relative term.

After popping into Books A Million and Target for a bit, it was on to the house and I let my pup lick the last bits of mint chocolate chip frozen yogurt off my bar while watching the final episode of Fixer Upper!

I can't even pretend that I have anything exciting to tell you about Saturday - it was the epitome of a lazy day. The forecasted snow never arrived, thank goodness. The sky stayed a slate gray and it was cold all day long...so not exactly the kind of day where a person wants to go running into the arms of adventure, you know? I had coffee and snuggled with my dog...had waffles for breakfast and got in some exercise...

We made an afternoon Target run (yes - another one. Don't judge me.) and had delicious homemade potato soup for supper...my pup discovered a little creature's hole in the backyard and was thoroughly enchanted...then I watched Captain America: Civil War before ending the night. I told you - my Saturday was not even remotely exciting.

Sunday morning after a rousing church service, I found my way into the multipurpose room to start the NEXT class - a requirement for people considering membership at Abundant Life. I am so shy and absolutely hate things like this because I'm always on my own - but I introduced myself to the people at my table, had a little pizza for lunch and somehow I survived the first class - shocker, I know! Ha-ha!

When class was over, my parents popped by the church and picked me up and we headed over to Hagertown, Maryland for the Maryland Symphony Orchestra's performance of Tale As Old As Time - Disney in Concert. The symphony and the performers that sang alongside them were fantastic and the show was absolutely wonderful. There were an abundance of little people dressed as their favorite Disney princesses...and when they performed Let It Go (y'all - of course they performed Let It Go...) a bunch of little voices were singing along... so sweet!

Granted - the toddler behind me was not so moved by the power of love.. during the song So This is Love from Cinderella, she heartily disagreed with the line "my heart has wings...and I can fly.." by declaring out loud "UGH - YOU CANNOT FLY!" Let's just say on this particular day, I understood her sentiments completely.

After the grand finale and the encore, we made our way to one of those hole in the wall restaurants for dinner - Mexican food. And listen; while the food was fine and it tasted alright and all that jazz, I still question that the "chicken" in my burrito bowl was chicken. It looked enough like chicken that I wasn't insanely worried (I still ate it...) but there were a couple pieces that just looked...not quite like chicken. *sigh* I know - I'm crazy.

I took a Sunday night bubble bath and then watched baseball for a good two hours until I decided to give up the ghost and try to get some sleep ... but funnily enough, once I got in the bed I just tossed and turned. Either way - the weekend came to an end and Monday arrived again way too soon - then again; I always feel that way!

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