The past weekend was a good one and seemed like it passed...well, not in the blink of an eye I suppose. The office closed early on Friday and the weather was absolutely gorgeous, so I raced home and picked up my pupper and took him over to one of our favorite spots - the Virginia State Arboretum! I took an abundance of pictures because it was just too gorgeous outside not to!

Dogwood Lane was beginning to blossom and so we had to take a long walk down the lane and underneath all the blooms...and Watson had to sniff the trunk of each and every tree...
The rock walls (which have signs that warn that snakes like to hide in the rocks...) were a huge favorite for Watson, especially after he realized that he could climb up on top of the wall, walk and see everything stretched out in front of him! It meant I had to do some very careful walking and weaving to allow him to stay perched on the wall so he could see all the sights.
The sky was just the perfect shade of blue and I was pretty shocked that I was able to convince Watson to sit beside me on a bench for a short while and take everything in...
And so - even though we were only at the Arboretum for about an hour, I took so many gorgeous photos and so I'll stop "yapping" and share some more of them below.

Once we'd explored and taken the time to stop and smell the daffodils - which I couldn't believe were still in bloom - we headed for a quick spin around the loop drive with the windows open so Watson could feel the breeze in his fur.
The rest of Friday was just a relaxing evening - it's always nice to have those Friday nights where you can relax and just recuperate from the work week. I watched Thor and had some cheese pizza for supper...I shared bites with Watson, of course. Watson and I took a couple spins around the neighborhood and I closed out the evening with an ice cream cone and the first two episodes of The Handmaid's Tale - not the most peaceful Friday night watch, but good TV watching still.

Saturday was another gorgeous day - the sun was out, the sky was blue and there was a gentle breeze. It was perfect baseball weather and I was in luck...because I had tickets to a baseball game! The game wasn't until 4:05, so I was able to spend my morning leisurely sipping coffee, chatting with my younger sister and just enjoying the morning. Watson spent most of the morning laying out on the deck in the sunshine.
Shortly after lunch, I headed toward DC and happily traffic wasn't too bad, so I arrived at the metro and met up with my friend Rachel and her daughter in perfect time. We made our way to Nationals Park; with Rachel's daughter getting more excited every time another Nationals fan boarded the metro, and we all emerged from underground to the bright blue sky and a street teeming with fans.

I took the time to check the message on the building - it changes with every home stand - and this time it was commemorating the broken bat homer that Harper hit in NY recently. It gave me a laugh.
We made our way to out seats, stopping on the way to grab drinks and settled in for some baseball. It was Sophia's first major league game and she was very involved - she asked questions, cheered and squealed loudly and seemed to really enjoy herself.
Jeremy Hellickson pitched for the Nationals and really did a great job - I still find myself confused as to why the manager pulled him after only 57 pitches when he'd held the Diamondbacks to just one run. We got to see two home runs, a two run bomb from Ryan Zimmerman and a one run homer from Howie Kendrick...but unfortunately, when Hellickson was removed from the ballgame is when the troubles started.
My drive home was uneventful and I actually arrived home around 9:15 - earlier than I had expected to, which was nice! I took the puppy on a walk and then we settled in the living room and I finally...finally...watched the series finale of The Office before turning in for the night! The finale was so good - parts of it made me tear up! What a great show that really knew how to end things perfectly!
Saturday night Watson napped in the chair and Sunday morning, he napped on top of the deck furniture...soaking in the sun while I slurped up the coffee. I headed out to church and commiserated with my friend Jennie that I absolutely could not stop yawning! I don't know what the deal was, but I could not get it together on Sunday morning!

And now I find myself on Monday afternoon, one work day almost done...Infinity War in my sights and a three day weekend also in my sights! I can't wait!