Friday, February 16, 2018

Five on Friday

This week has seemed long y'all - I'm not entirely sure why - but it has! I'm glad to see the weekend on the horizon; and whats more, its a three day weekend! All the praise hand emojis!

It's raining here in my little corner of Northern Virginia and I'm hoping our boss will be nice enough to let us end this slow week a little early. Fingers crossed and on to the Five!

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One. Black Panther - The Marvel movie tradition continues; I'm joining my friend Jennie and her son Jimmy for the newest installment in the franchise, tonight! Jennie grabbed our tickets over a month ago and I can't wait to have some delicious food while watching what I've heard is an excellent movie... I make Jimmy take a picture with me at every Marvel movie we see together; the older he gets, the less he's interested - but maybe one day he'll appreciate my fondness for capturing the moment?


Guardians of the Galaxy Two - way back in the Spring of last year - whoosh!

Two. Snow - All the rain that is pouring from the sky right now is supposed to be bringing a big old cold front...and snow! All the weather outlets are forecasting a Saturday that includes 1-3 inches of snow accumulating throughout the day. Only time will tell if that actually happens, but if it does - it will be the most snow I've seen this winter - so far. Perhaps on Sunday I'll have some snow shots to share? Who knows...

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Obviously snow here in VA has nothing to do with snow in the UK - but this picture was too beautiful not to post. This picture makes me want to go back to London ASAP...but perhaps in the Spring?

Three. Erin Napier's Journal - I stumbled on to Erin's journal on the Laurel Mercantile website and I've fallen into a hole, re-reading all the posts she has done in her journal. There's really no way to catch up on the 2,000+ journal posts but I've been looking at them here and there and I've decided Erin and I could be best friends...this is mostly based on the fact that she saw Titanic in the movie theater 12 times (I saw it 13). It's also fun to read because she references so many places I know from growing up in Mississippi: the truck stop in Meridian, Zack Garvin's in Newton, Landrum's Homestead and Village...the list goes on and on!

Do y'all watch Home Town? Do you love it as much as I do?

Four. Studying - The other thing I'll be doing this weekend besides hoping for/watching it snow (which isn't really doing much...huh?) is studying! I'm taking a real estate certification test on Monday and I've got to hit the books to prepare! Eek! I'm a little nervous because I don't know what to expect from the test; obviously more of what was on the test(s) back in October at the end of my class, but in a different way - does that make sense?

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I'm not sure where I can get my copy of that book - but I'd take it! I'm no dummy and I can re-take the test every day if I want until October 31st - but the goal is to knock it out of the park on Monday and move on in the journey! Wish me luck!

Five. A Watson Picture - I know it's not Wednesday, but this face was too cute not to share! The weather yesterday was unseasonably warm and so after dinner, we spent some time on the deck as the sun set. I'm so looking forward to Spring and spending time outdoors again - and I know my little fella feels the same way!

February 15

It was almost 75 yesterday and tomorrow it's supposed to snow - so I guess you just never know, huh? All that to say, if you need me this weekend...I'll be studying and watching it snow!

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