So - sometimes I look back at posts that I've done in years previous - I mean, that's one of the many benefits of this blog. I can look back and see how my life has changed, look over sweet memories and sometimes be reminded of things I haven't quite held on to in the old memory bank!
Just kidding - my memory tends to be like a vice; there's not a lot I forget. My best friend once told me he was always worried what he'd told me over the course of our friendship because he knew I'd never forget it and that could be dangerous. Ha-ha! You're welcome...I think...
I did this post in 2015 and 2014, so I decided I'd do it once more and see what remains the same...and what has changed.
What is the last thing you watched on TV?
- Washington Nationals baseball; ha-ha! I watched the Nationals take on the Braves last night, in Washington DC. It was game three of a four games series and the Nationals shut-out the Braves, taking a 3-0 win. The win improved the Nationals season to 6-1 and they are at the top of the National League East standings - it's still early days, to be sure (it's not even two weeks into a season that lasts until October 2nd...hopefully longer if the Nats make it to post-season) but it's a nice way to start.
When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
- I last stepped outside this morning, to get out of my car and come into the office. It's still a bit brisk for my taste...and for mid-April, but hey - at least it wasn't snowing!
If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
- Given my recent frustration with home rental/home buying; I'd probably buy myself a house. Certainly nothing that would put a big dent in that multi-million dollars, but something with a couple bedrooms and a fenced in backyard for Watson. I'd put a lot of it in savings and make big plans to travel!
Tell me something about you that most people don’t know.
- I was diagnosed with depression in 2009 and before my diagnoses, I struggled for quite some time. There is a lot of stigma that comes with mental illness and there are plenty of people who are very opinionated about it (even if they have not dealt with it themselves) and I dealt with that also. That's definitely a post for another day - a much longer post - but yea, a lot of people don't know that about me. Because I've never put it out there until now.
Who made the last incoming call on your phone?
- The last incoming call on my phone was from my splendid little sister, Lindsey!
If you could change something about your home, without worry about expense or mess, what would you do?
- I'd reference the above answer about becoming a multi-millionaire, ha-ha! If I could change something about my home, I'd buy a home of my own. Ah life...
What was the last thing you bought?
- The last thing I bought was a pair of Rock Star jeans from Old Navy. I couldn't find the size/style/color combo I wanted in the store, so I got online and found them! They shipped today!
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
- Nope. I am terrified of heights. So, no thank you. Hard pass.
If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?
- Could I choose the Washington Nationals baseball team and make that be "if you could eat lunch with one famous organization"... Okay, no? I'm sure this will come as a surprise to my family and friends, but if I had to pick just one person from the Washington Nationals...I think I'd go with Ryan Zimmerman or Max Scherzer. Shocker, I know. I wouldn't say no to lunch with Harper though....
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
- Tempted as I am to say Old Navy, perhaps I'll change it up and say Belk. There would so many more options...clothes, shoes...oh my, Dooney and Bourke purses...*sigh* Yea. I'll go with Belk.
Is the glass half empty or half full?
- The glass is half full. It's all about finding positives in every day!
What’s the farthest-away place you’ve been?
- London, England! Absolutely, fantastically wonderful London!

What’s under your bed?
- A laptop case...with a laptop in it. A storage container filled with pictures/canvases/"artwork" if you will. Two Thirty-One bags filled with DVD's. Three pair of shoes. I don't think this one has changed too much....
What is your favorite time of the day?
- Late afternoon/early evening. Twilight...I love watching sunsets; the colors tend to be pretty spectacular most days.
What Inspires You?
- My friends...other bloggers and the stories they share. People who are open and honest about overcoming struggles. Life in general, I suppose.
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