What a week...what a week! Also, am I the only person that cannot believe it's already the last week of April? The speed with which this past month has flown by is mind-boggling! However, I feel like I say that all the time. I guess it's always true though; the older I get, the more aware I am that time is flying on by...
Looking back on this jam-packed week! Monday I had myself something of a little adventure while I was out getting in my two miles (or more)... The weather is turning nicer and so of course, some little (and not so little) creatures are venturing from wherever they've been hiding all Winter and I had an encounter on Monday. As I was cruising along, I noticed up ahead what appeared to be a very long tree branch laid across the road...and yes...I know you're wondering how I confused a tree branch and a black snake. I blame my lack of focus - I was fiddling with my iPhone and the music on it.
The closer I got to the "stick" in the road, the stranger it looked. And right about the time I pulled up even with the "stick", I realized the end closest to me had beady little eyes and it was definitely not a stick but a snake. I immediately jumped sideways out of it's path and when my feet hit the ground...I wasn't just jogging, I was full on running. Once I acheived what I thought was a safe distance from the snake, I looked back...and it was still just relaxing in the middle of the road. I had Watson with me and somehow he completely missed the snake - I think that in and of itself was a miracle. But yea - I can run faster than I thought - with the right motivation!
So - we survived the snake - can you share your macaroon please? |
Cheesecake & bottled water on Tuesday night - no problem! |
Tuesday night I branched out and went to my church's ladies group - called Lavish Sisterhood. Now, apparently some people would never know this but I tend to be shy and don't necessarily love social situations if they require me to go on my own. However, so far the people at my church have been so welcoming and so I reached out, made myself a "friend" and headed over to the church on Tuesday evening. They had bottled water and cheesecake...and of course, some Starbursts waiting on each lady in her seat, along with the sentiment: Don't let anyone treat you like a yellow Starburst when you're clearly a pink Starburst! Ha-ha! The evening went a little longer than I thought it would, but I had a good time - the group won't meet again until September - but I think I'll go again in the Fall!
It's only Wednesday? What? |
Settling in to watch some Wednesday night baseball... |
I might need new sneakers soon... |
The rest of the week itself was pretty uneventful - I walked and walked, ha-ha! I also realized I must be doing something right because not only are the soles of my sneakers starting to show some serious wear, the inside of my shoes are looking pretty rough too! I guess I need to be on the lookout for some new shoes. I watched lots of baseball - which will be par for the course for the next six months - and beyond that, it was just the usual: work, walk, eat, sleep & repeat. Ha-ha!
When you have all the hair...ha-ha! |
Friday afternoon exploration... |
W - he's such a goofball.... |
Friday afternoon we were granted release from the office a bit earlier than usual and while I'd intended to do all kinds of things on Friday evening...and figured I could do that much more with the extra time...I came home and just did nothing! I thought about walking a couple miles...but I didn't. I thought about reading a bit of a book...but I didn't. I thought about doing a lot of things but I ended up watching a couple episodes of The Office while I did some laundry and then I made Broccoli Cheese soup (courtesy of the Pioneer Woman) and watched the Nationals game. Once that was over, I watched a bit more of The Office before crashing for the evening - it wasn't an exciting Friday night, but it was oh so enjoyable to be lazy!
Saturday morning thunderstorms... |
Dessert anyone? |
I woke up earlier than I planned on Saturday, courtesy of a huge thunderclap that was amplified by my open bedroom windows. After trying and failing to go back to sleep, I went downstairs, got a cup of coffee and started the movie Crimson Peak - a creepy Gothic romance/thriller that went perfectly with the dreary weather. The rain cleared off a little later in the day and so Watson and I enjoyed a couple walks outside in the sunshine and cool breezes, I watched Outlander and of course...the Nationals game...all before making dessert and heading to my friend Danielle's for dinner. We had such a good time; the ladies did a little shopping before we all ate some seriously delicious food and then just sat around and chatted. I had planned to finish the fourth season of The Office once I got home, but yet again - I was so tired that I was fast asleep before 11:00! Bum alert!
Sunday morning = deep thoughts. |
Nationals baseball = the BEST baseball. |
Sunday I woke up earlier than expected (again) and since I had some time to kill, I watched The Night Manager while I had my coffee. I chatted with my little sister the whole time I got ready and at 9:30 my friend Katie arrived at the house and we headed for DC...well, we headed for Vienna and the Metro to get into downtown DC. So much easier than dealing with traffic! I finally...finally got back to Nationals Park and was so happy to finally be getting ready to watch a Nationals game again! The weather was absolutely perfect and the game was hands down one of the most amazing I've been to! Of course, I'll be devoting an entire post to the historic game but I will share that I think I might have won my friend Katie over to the joys of being a Washington Nationals fan. That's always a huge plus!
Just the fourteenth inning - it's really no big deal... |
Wearing their "rally caps" in the dugout...ha-ha! |
The Nationals won the game in the 16th inning - after 5 hours and 56 minutes of play - such a rewarding feeling to be on the winning end of such a crazy and amazing game! We got back home a lot later than I thought we would but I had just enough time to change into comfy clothes and warm up a bowl of soup before the sixth season of Game of Thrones started. And just like that...another week and weekend were over and done with, nothing left of them but happy, happy memories!
Sunday night sunset.... |
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