Greetings gentle reader - this post is coming to you on Friday but was largely written on Thursday. Why, you might ask? Well the reason is that I am off work today and so while I would normally be blogging from the office, today I'm at home and I'm choosing to spend my morning drinking coffee, watching The Night Manager and taking an extended walk/jog (if it's not pouring rain...)
Anywho - on to the Five!

One. Apple Blossom Festival - The most glorious reason why I am off today! Every year, Winchester holds it's annual Apple Blossom Festival at the end of April/start of May and it's kind of a big deal because around here, apples are a big deal! The Festival has been an annual thing since, it's basically been around forever! It's evolved from a one day thing to a week long festival with dances, parades, carnivals, luncheons, crafts, a 10-K and plenty of "celebrities" added into the mix. I don't know how much I'll participate this year since it's supposed to rain almost all weekend - boo - but it's usually lots of fun and involves everyone wearing plenty of pink and green!
I'm sure you get the whole pink & green thing now...right? |
Two. Pedicures - Absolutely one of the best things in the world is a good pedicure, right? So relaxing and wonderful! This week was Administrative Professionals Week and my boss spoiled our office in a big way. He took us all to lunch and also bought us chocolate...and then just to go above and beyond, he sent us all to get pedicures - during the work day! I went with a theme near and dear to my heart and I think it turned out quite nice!
Play Ball! |
Three. Nationals Baseball this Week - This week has been a little less stellar than the past two weeks, but I have to remind myself that baseball is a marathon...not a sprint. The Nationals are 4-2 for the past week, so that's nothing to be too sad about but it is troubling that those losses came at the hands of the Phillies...who are supposed to be pretty crummy this year. Oh well.
The game of the week was hands down Sunday afternoon (and night) when the Nationals defeated the Twins after sixteen innings; courtesy of a walk-off home run from Chris Heisey. The game would have been the game of the week without a doubt...but it was easily my choice because I was there! It was and will always be one of the most memorable games in Nationals history...and it's also the longest regular season game in Nationals history. Not bad.
Poor Dan Kolko...not even prepared...ha-ha! |
Four. Hockey - Which I'll go ahead and confess I know nothing about, but I've been paying close attention to since the Capitals are in the Stanley Cup Play-offs. My friend Katie and I discussed hockey last week while we were at the Nationals game; they were posting the score of the play-off game in between innings and the crown went wild when the final score was posted and everyone saw that the Caps had moved on to round two! Katie knows all about hockey...I know all about baseball...I've won Katie over on baseball, now maybe next season we'll catch a hockey game? Who knows - but hey...Go Caps!
Rock the Red - Sort of.... |
Five. Fitness - This week has been good; I've really felt like I'm hitting my stride with the exercise and while the eating hit a bump or two ( I mean - it was Administrative Professionals Day and how can you say no to chocolate??) I still feel like I'm doing pretty well. I guess as long as I keep on keeping on, that will be what makes the difference, right? I do know that I am consistently losing weight, even if it's only a pound or two a week - a pound or two a week is better than nothing.
And that's all I've got for this Friday - so until the next post, I hope you have a good weekend!