So - shall we get back on this bandwagon? I think we shall.
Books I Read
The White Queen by Phillipa Gregory - The first in a six part series about the War of the Roses; this book centers on Elizabeth Woodville, who would become Queen of England after marrying Edward IV. Her husband held the English throne tenuously as a York claimant and their lives together were overshadowed by battle after battle. While Edward fights on the battlefield, Elizabeth must fight for their family and her greatest battle will be the fight for her family and her son's right to rule after Edward's untimely death.
The Red Queen by Phillipa Gregory - The second in the six part series about the War of the Roses; this book covers the same time span as the White Queen but follows the story of Margaret Stanley, the mother of Henry Tudor. Margaret is given a vision of her unborn son taking the throne of England and after nearly dying in childbirth, Margaret devotes her life to ensuring what she saw in her vision will come true. Her son is the Lancaster claimant to the throne and is raised to fight for the throne he believes is his by right of blood and birth, but he must first seize the throne on the field of battle from Richard III.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens by Alan Dean Foster - This book is exactly what it sounds like, the novelization of the most recent Star Wars film. While the book follows the plot line pretty much dead on, the book also offers a bit more insight into each of the characters. Which I love.
The Moaning of Life by Karl Pilkington - This was my blizzard book, ha-ha! Karl Pilkington is the star of the TV series An Idiot Abroad and his wry sense of humor and frankly awkward outlook on life absolutely cracks me up. I have several of his books and in this book he travels around the world to take in cultural ideas about love, marriage, children, happiness and death. And of course, in typical Karl Pilkington fashion - his ideas about all of these things are the most outlandish. It definitely cracked me up.
Books in the Queue
The Lady of the Rivers by Phillipa Gregory - the third book in the War of the Roses series; I'm on a kick here, obviously.
The Kingmaker's Daughter by Phillipa Gregory - the fourth book in the War of the Roses series.
The White Princess by Phillipa Gregory - the fifth book in the War of the Roses series.
The King's Curse by Phillipa Gregory - the sixth and final book in the War of the Roses series; perhaps I'll have finished them all by the end of February? Ha!
Can't Miss Television
Scandal - I managed to spend the first week of January catching up on the first nine episodes of season five; so now I'm waiting with baited breath for the fifth season to start up again on February 11th. Some thoughts I have in the interim: Oh Olivia, what have you done? What indeed? I also am still not certain if I am on #TeamFitz or #TeamJake...but that's a mood that changes from day to day, ha-ha! I know for certain I am 100% behind Mellie - go Mellie - all the way. So...we wait till February 11th. Also...I think I've got my Mom hooked...hehehe.
Downton Abbey - The final season is upon us! I've been hooked ever since I binge watched the first three seasons back in January of 2014 in anticipation of the fourth season...and now it will all come to an end. If you're a fan but haven't gotten around to watching the four episodes that have aired so far, I'll tread lightly... My thoughts though? Perhaps Anna and Bates will finally get something like a happy ending; if they don't I may have to go (back) across the pond and hunt down Julian Fellowes. I also need Edith to find her happy ending - that poor girl has been through enough in the span of a few years then more people deal with in their lifetime - I also want Mary to get some comeuppance, mostly because I think Mary is HORRIBLE. You can disagree all you want, but she is cruel. All the points to Edith! Okay...I'm done.
Fixer Upper - Is anyone else absolutely obsessed with Chip and Joanna Gaines? I stumbled onto this show while flipping through the channels and paused on one does...and kind of fell in love. And then my sister pointed out to me that the entire first season was on Netflix and well, that took care of that. I was just sad there were only thirteen episodes to watch, because with that blizzard...well, we blew through those thirteen episodes over the long weekend. I love their goofy relationship, I love seeing the visions that Joanna has come to life but most especially, I love seeing absolutely dilapidated houses become the most amazing homes! Oh - and they have a book coming out in October, so you can expect to see that on my "Books I Read" list then...ha!
Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Yes, I went to see this on the day it premiered in theaters. Yes, I went to see it a second time. No shame here. I have been a Star Wars fan since I was small and was taught some light saber skills courtesy of my Dad. I raised my sister to be just as big a nerd as I am and we both saw this movie be honest, I would say no to seeing it again. This movie really brings back a lot of the magic and feeling of the original trilogy - as much as I love all six films; the three prequels have just never quite had that "something" the originals had. This one though - it does. If you're one of the five people in the world who haven't seen this move - go see it!
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel - The sequel to The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel; this movie was almost as delightful as the first...almost. The same cast of characters, with the addition of Richard Gere as a hotel reviewer who is investigating the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel for the possibility of expansion...all while a wedding is being planned. The characters were just as wonderful, the story line was good and I thoroughly enjoyed it. However, it didn't have quite the charm of the first movie. But then - isn't that usually the case with sequels?
Music I Listened To
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Soundtrack - Haven't I mentioned, I love listening to music from films that I love...this is no different! I also absolutely love John Williams and he has composed the music for all of the other Star Wars films, so of course I love this soundtrack as well.
Besides that...I listen to a lot of kLove to and from work...and that's about it, ha-ha!
Yummy in my Tummy
Roasted Red Pepper Soup - I am on a quest to find a wonderful recipe for Roasted Red Pepper soup and I took my first steps in that direction which my first stab earlier in January. While it was absolutely delicious, I am still on the lookout for something that taste a bit more like...what I have tasted at Coach and Horses Tea Room. In the meantime, this option is delicious and if you'd like to try if out...check it out here.

What I'm Looking Forward To
February 15th - Because I get a day off work...which means a three day weekend...and who doesn't love that? Otherwise, there isn't a lot going on in February. I'm sure plenty will develop as the month progresses but right now, February is a wide open space. Now...March....oh wait, that's not until next month, ha-ha!
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