Long weekend - long break from blogging. You know how that works, right? This post is a "recap" of sorts for what amounts to the second full week of January...of 2016...and let me tell you, it was not a stellar week.
I don't plan to elaborate too much on why it wasn't stellar - suffice it to say; stress will creep up on you when you least expect it and not in the place you'd expect, but you just keep on chugging along. What else can you do - right?
Watson is pretty content as long as he's napping - which he does 20 hours of the day. So - lots of happy. |
I had a feeling the minute I posted anything about the lack of snow and how much I enjoyed that, it would come calling for me...and it's looking like that is exactly what's going to happen, but let me not get ahead of myself. Tuesday night my Mom and I went out to eat at a Mexican place that is literally 1/2 a mile from our house - it's delicious, inexpensive and close to home - all good things. The weather had been hinting at snow all day and we'd seen some flurries rush past the windows in little smatters during the afternoon at work...but nothing too crazy. My Mom and I went in to eat supper and it was overcast and cold; nothing much to see in the way of snow and we were only in the restaurant about 35 minutes. We rounded the corner to leave and it looked like a blizzard had blown up out of nowhere!
Essentially I guess that's exactly what had happened - the snow that was predicted was in a squall pattern and so it arrived pretty quickly, out of nowhere and blew down wildly for about fifteen minutes before moving on! It seemed a lot crazier than I think it actually was...but we were all too happy to get in the car, motor home (in the blowing, swirling snow) and get inside. Like I said - it lasted all of fifteen minutes at most and then the sky was clear and the ground was dusted. The snow didn't stick around though - it was so windy that night that it all blew away!
Snow! Ah! |
Wednesday night sunset - absolutely gorgeous, no? |
And yes - I have a grand total of three pictures from the whole week. I know, I was really overachieving in that department, huh? The work days were hectic and when I got home, all I really wanted to do was...well, nothing! I did manage to get some exercise in a couple nights this past week and I finally finished up the first half of the 5th season of Scandal so I'm ready for it's return on February 11th...and what's that? Oh - I've bored you to tears with the delightfully mundane recapping of all the nothing I did? Exactly! Moving right along...
Watson on Saturday morning - he says "I'll stay right here..." |
Entertainment Weekly 2 Year Ago - and Saturday. I do have a fondness for covers with Cumberbatch. |
Friday evening the rain arrived right about the time I got home from work. We went out to grab some supper at Chili's and then perused the aisles of Books A Million for a while before floating our way back home and watching one of my Dad's recently acquired Sandra Bullock movies. He's doing his best to establish a film library of his very own that has every movie she's ever done...so far, he's making great strides in that courtesy of E-Bay.
Saturday afternoon we had some plans lined up - lunch at the Green Turtle (delicious; located next to the Alamo if you would like to check it out. There's also one in DC next to the Verizon Center) and then a visit to the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley to check out a costume exhibit...potentially followed by seeing the movie
The Revenant and picking up some groceries after...maybe going into a thrift store or two, since Jeffrey is really into that.
Film costumes on display at the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley |
Our plans got a wee bit...broken up... My Mom stepped out of the car wrong at the Museum and really was in a lot of pain (can't imagine why - since oh yea, she broke her foot!) so we capped our day with the costumes; Ginger hobbling along like a champ, a quick peek around a thrift shop and then my Dad and I being sent into Wal-Mart to grab groceries from a detailed list that Ginger had made.
I suppose it all worked out for the best since my Dad was pretty intent on watching all four play off games and the first one started at 4ish on Saturday afternoon. So I spent my Saturday night watching football, catching up on TV and organizing my closet - I know, I know - I live life on the edge. Truly.
Puffy cotton candy colored clouds - post snow. |
Sunday I set out to church under extremely overcast skies...and sure enough, as I walked into church the snowflakes started slowly swirling their way to Earth. I met up with Jeff and Ginger after church and we had lunch at McAlister's before going to look at some houses - all of which Ginger did on her poor broken foot. Which, we were unaware was broken at this point. Bless her. Also - it snowed for most of the afternoon but wasn't anything to be too concerned with since it melted the minute it hit the ground.
We spent Sunday night watching - MORE football - you guessed it! I'm pretty pleased to say the two teams I was cheering for on Sunday did actually win! Way to go Carolina and Denver! I took Watson on a pretty brisk half mile walk in the late afternoon before the sun set...and before the cold front moved in and made it feel like it was 2 degrees outside! Eek!
Water droplets...or ice? Who knows? |
And so - there is my week at a glance. I'm glad that last week has come and gone; it was a little bit wild and a whole lot stressful, I'm hoping this week will be a little bit different. I know one thing that definitely might be different: the snow. They're predicting up to two feet over the course of Friday and Saturday. Who knows, I may be typing post later in the week from my igloo...only time will tell!
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