I'm looking at the pictures that started last week and man...Monday seems like a long time ago! Last Monday that is; I'm very present and in the midst of a Monday right now, ha-ha! There are only two days left in June - how is that even possible? I guess this is a look back at the last full week of June 2015...wow.
Got my shirt for the Star Wars game - I kind of love it. |
Pictures of "my" three kiddos at work! I love seeing their sweet little faces! |
So...we just happen to have a new Dick's Sporting Goods in Winchester...& I just happened to need this jersey... I've had the hat for almost 3 years now! |
The past week seems seems like it was very slow and didn't really involve much happening - I'm looking at these pictures and wondering what I did all week (besides work, obviously) and I can't think of much. I guess that's why I was able to make a dent in the book I'm reading by a few hundred pages. I'm fairly certain I came home, read or watched Nationals baseball and that's really about all. I know it makes for a riveting blog conversation...but hey, it is what it is. It's summer - you're supposed to be chill.
Watson cruising to Little Caesar's with us on Tuesday night. |
Pretty amazing sunset on Tuesday - probably because of the epic storm that preceded the sunset. |
The sky had some purple in there...my iPhone camera really didn't do it justice. |
So - if you've seen my
40 Before 40 list, one of the things on that list is to go to a baseball game at Camden Yards; I've just always heard a lot about Camden Yards...the atmosphere, the stadium itself being a great venue for baseball, etc... I noticed about a month ago that the Nationals would be playing the Orioles at Camden Yards on July 11th and I immediately began making my case for why we needed to go to the game. My parents weren't (maybe still aren't) wholly convinced we wouldn't be shanked in the street since Baltimore hasn't exactly been peaceful in the past few months...but we are not the type of people to live in fear, so I bought the tickets and we are going to Baltimore! Say a little prayer for us, won't you? Ha-ha...I'm kidding... I think.
The best part of getting the tickets was that apparently now the Orioles think I'm a fan - which, that's just not so. I'm very excited to attend the game, quite thrilled to see your ballpark but I will not be wearing black and orange and I'll certainly not be cheering for the Orioles...whatever struggles that might bring me.
Dear Orioles fan...um...nope, not quite. |
I feel I should share with you some of the funnier things that clients say to me when I call them; some of them are more talkative than others and so I find myself chatting with them from time to time - on all manner of things, the weather being a very popular topic. Seriously, last week three different people asked me what the weather was like in Virginia. Three different people! I also got...
- Client A - I'm watching the Red Sox...but they're losing by two runs, so I'm not great. How do you feel about the Red Sox? Me - Well sir...I'm a Nationals fan. Client A - Oh, well there you have it then!
- Client B - Do you ever lose pens? I will have pens and notepads galore, lay them down and next thing you know they're all gone! Me - Yes ma'am...that happens to me all the time! Client B - Well, then it must not mean I'm too crazy quite yet!
I feel like there were more anecdotes than this...but for the life of me, I cannot think of any more of them. I'm sure it's the Monday morning thing; my mind is still mushy from the weekend.
Thursday night skies... |
Did you know June 26th was Take your Dog to Work Day? More on that at a later date... |
You can just never go wrong with gummy bears. |
Can you tell he wanted me to absolutely leave him alone? Little stinker... |
Saturday was just a rainy, drizzly and completely dismal mess! It rained almost the entire day - and by entire day, I mean it was raining when I woke up at 8:15 AM and it was still raining when I went to bed around 11 PM. It did slack off for a little bit between 2 and 4, but it certainly wasn't anything to get too excited about. I spent the day being fairly lazy; I managed to watch three movies and a few episodes of Parks & Recreation on Netflix...because what else are you supposed to do on a rainy Saturday? Watson slept for a huge chunk of the day and when I tried to love him, cuddle him...he was really not interested, ha-ha! All in all, Saturday was just a big day of being completely useless, ha-ha!
Afternoon coffee drink - yes please. |
The sun was out on Sunday morning & Watson was THRILLED. I mean...I was also. |
These tomatoes are getting big - which is only slightly thrilling since I don't even eat tomatoes. |
Dinosaur Land - you guys, I have been making fun of this place since the first time I visited Virginia and we rode past it; it is absolutely a complete tourist trap. And one that looks like it's been around for at least a million years...I swear. I mean, I think it was actually opened in 1960 but still - that's pretty close to a million years, right? When I met Katie months ago and mentioned Dino Land, she had the same reaction I'd had, but she took it one step further and said we had to go check it out...because why not? So we made plans to walk with the dinosaurs sometime in the summer - and on Sunday, we did just that.
Why is there a forest of creepy trees? |
I'm pretty sure this was not made for adults pretending to be kids to climb through.... |
It only cost $6 to get in...and you get what you pay for. Most of the models look sufficiently dated and have obviously seen better days. However, we saw lots of little kids there that were in complete awe of the dinosaurs all around them, so I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder...but it helps if you're young. It also helps if you go with someone that is just as big of a goofball as you are. You can have a pretty amazing time, crummy dinos or not...because almost everything is funny! Ha-ha!
Anyone else seen Jurassic World? Wait - who HASN'T seen Jurassic World? |
All in all, a pretty hilarious way to spend a Sunday afternoon. |
I appreciate your thought that children can easily learn and get more knowledge on the Dinosaur.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the sharing an awesome blog.
Walking Dinosaur