Well...the last week of May came and went pretty quickly; I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that it's already June! It's even crazier to think that in just 12 short days, I'll have been a Virginia resident for a whole year! Granted, that is in itself another post and so I'll stick to the events of the past week instead....no need to get ahead of myself on celebrating one year as a bonafide Virginian!
A lovely Monday night sunset! |
I was so excited when this arrived in the mail - it fits perfectly in my Dooney & Bourke purse & is already proving to be the perfect little wristlet for when I'm out & about & don't feel like lugging a huge purse! |
A torrential flood on Tuesday evening - while the sun was still shining, of course! |
Watson watching the Nationals game with me on Tuesday night. |
He says "what are you looking at?" |
I have to say - Monday through Wednesday really feel like they passed in something of a blur. I'm not sure why I feel that way, but I guess it was just the routine day to day of work, home, sleep and repeat. Granted there were things thrown into the mix like: walking in the early AM, having dinner at McAlisters on Tuesday night, going to Bible Study on Wednesday night...but all in all, a fairly calm few days. I did make a panicked drive home on my lunch break on Wednesday to rescue Watson from being outside during what was meant to be an impending wrath of God-esque storm...of course, once I "rescued" him, it waited until almost 9 at night to come a flood. Oh well...
Computers know users too well - I was reading a Game of Thrones article & the ad at the bottom? Washington Nationals tickets... |
A quick photo op when I raced home to rescue the pooch - he looks thrilled, right? |
Oh Starbucks...you hold me in your sway... |
Thursday started pretty interesting, I guess that's the best way to say it. Watson and I set out on our walk and everything was going swimmingly...we saw some bunnies, it wasn't too hot...really, it was as delightful as a walk can be. However, as we rounded the cul de sac we always walk in and headed back up the road, we encountered the posse! The posse would be four dogs, ranging in size from wee to large and they were headed our way...yikes! You see, my dog weighs about 17 pounds but he's convinced he actually weighs about 175 and he's always spoiling for a fight if he thinks someone is challenging him - and of course, the posse was a big challenge.
The leader of the posse? A chihuahua, of course! The dogs raced toward us, led by their 2 pound menace of a leader and I reined Watson in, while telling the little ringleader "Now you just stop right there - do NOT come any closer!" He actually listened and I was able to coax Watson away from the posse and down the hill...where we almost tripped over a deer head in the road! Seriously - a deer head, just laid in the middle of the path like some kind of Godfather, horse head in the bed but it's the middle of the road moment. Gross. Watson wanted to check it out...see what was up...but I encouraged him to keep moving; I'm not sure what caused that little deer to be separated from his body, but I didn't want to meet it...
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough truffles - because how can you not? |
Friday night = movie night. |
Funny faces with my favorite pup on Friday night. |
I'm not sure how I blocked it out, but Friday also started off with a bang - or a beep if you will. The smoke detector in the hallway decided to go off at 1:05 AM on Friday morning and so my Mom and I spent a good thirty minutes trying to find a way to shut the thing off. I managed to get a new battery in place but apparently I'd put it in wrong because not only did the thing not quit chirping, it was wedged shut and my efforts to get it back open were futile. Thank the good Lord for ear plugs because without them, there would have been no more sleep and I would have been angry indeed. As it was, I didn't feel particularly pleasant...but then I expect no one would if they were woken up at 1 AM, had to stand on a chair while a machine shrieked at you and also had to endure things (bugs? spiders? debris?) falling out of the ceiling when you unscrew the smoke detector. Oh mercy - no more please.
This little angel was my wake-up call on Saturday morning...which was fine. |
Little boys playing baseball...they are so cute. I think I've developed quite the soft spot for baseball boys. |
Oh good - first sunburn of the season! |
Friday was really chill - we had dinner and went to the movies. The movie obviously didn't hold my attention too well because I spent large snippets of the movie peeking into my bag, checking the score of the Nationals/Reds game...shouldn't have been doing that; the game was pretty much a massacre. *sigh* I guess my Mom wasn't too interested either because every time I'd check my phone, she'd lean over and say "what's the score?" Yes...we were those people that you want to hit in the movies...except there were only about 8 other people in the theater with us, so...no harm, no foul.
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