So here we are and it's Tuesday again and I'm just now posting this. I don't know where my hesitation has been to get on this blog but I guess writing is something I need to feel and even though these weekly posts are just a small recap of the past week, I don't want them to be dull and monotone - I don't want to churn them out just because...
I suppose what I'm saying is maybe sometimes they won't always be posted on Sunday night or Monday morning...and that's just fine, right?
No coffee in the house on Monday - thank heavens there is a Starbucks only a mile (if that) from the house! |
Monday's weather was delightfully made me want to nap & nap & nap.... |
They only have 6 |
My Mom and I have decided to take a stab at Weight Watchers and we started this whole process last see, by telling you this I've made myself accountable. If I don't look slimmer the next time you see me, you'll know I'm not doing what I'm supposed to. *sigh* Of course Weight Watchers is all about the points and I discovered these Mickey Mouse foodles thing-a-ma-bobs at Wal Mart last week and discovered they only had 6 points, so I snapped some up! I took one to work on Monday night and I was happily sorting my cards and minding my own business when my boss walked out of the back holding up my Mouse-shaped snack pack and said "who in the world brought this??" I proudly proclaimed it was mine, which led to much laughter...I guess a 29 year old shouldn't be carrying around Mickey food? It's only 6 points, it has a handy packaging and I hate to tell her...but I've got a Marvel one for this week - so deal with it!
The product of a drizzly Tuesday... |
I love water droplets... |
I'm always fascinated by how they just sit, so perfectly perched on leaves, flowers, branches.... |
Wednesday weirdness - hey there Watson, why did I just catch you licking the wall?? |
Church cat loves Jesus & would like to be included in the Bible Study... |
I'm struggling to remember what I did last week...oh geez. I was off work on Wednesday and Thursday and I know I spent quite a bit of that time being very lazy indeed. I mean, maybe only somewhat lazy. I spent the better part of Wednesday morning at a job interview (fingers crossed) and the better part of Thursday with my nose buried in a book. Nothing wildly thrilling but it certainly passed the time.
Please give me a bite of that string cheese, stop reading & let's go take a walk. |
The whole week really held on to the slightly gloomy feeling...clouds rolled in every day... |
The sun setting on the mountains when we took a walk Thursday night! |
We spent Saturday in Baltimore at something called the Star Spangled Spectacular and while I included some of those pictures on this post, I took so many that I've dedicated a whole post to that. So, enjoy these pictures and look forward with anticipation to the post, ha-ha!
Saturday morning breakfast of champions - pretty sure this isn't on Weight Watchers... |
Fort McHenry in the rain... |
Exploring with my sidekick! |
Baby snuggles are totally the best - and they keep you toasty when a cool breeze blows! |
The Blue Angels performing a low show... |
Diamond formation! |
Basically the coolest fireworks ever! |
Sunday morning spy dog... |
Watson got all perked up on Sunday morning because he'd seen something outside that caught his eye. I looked out the window with him, but I couldn't figure out what he'd seen. I decided to take him on a walk and as we were crossing the yard, Spider-Man came running down the hill in our direction, holding his mask in his hand...ready to pet and play with Watson. It was our neighbor, Parker (and yes, the irony of his name and his costume crack me up) and we visited and I told him his costume was awesome. He told me very matter of factly that it was old and even had a hole under one arm but I assured him it was still cool. He patted Watson one last time, pulled his mask on and went back to saving the neighborhood. Peeking out the window a few minutes later, I saw him walking along, striking poses every few seconds and I told Watson there was no need for was only our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!
Spider-Man on a morning stroll. |
Oh good - it would appear Autumn has decided it might stay a bit! |
So - that's all for now and maybe next week I'll feel like being more writer-ly before Tuesday, ha-ha!
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