It really isn't - I can't for the life of me think of something that would make a good title. I suppose the title is really of little importance and so I'll leave you to sort out calling it whatever you'd like. I'm going with the excuse that my brain isn't working this morning because I've only had one cup of coffee. Caffeine intake matters people - it does.
Monday afternoon porch relaxation... |
Monday was a really nice day and I didn't have to be at work until 5:30 (and yes, it's so strange to go to work at the same time I used to get home every day - I haven't adjusted yet and I don't know that I will...) so that meant Watson spent plenty of quality time outside. Apparently; according to longtime Virginia residents, this has been a very mild summer and I'm inclined to believe them since the high on Monday might have topped out at about 80 degrees. It was really nice! I sat outside with Watson for over an hour reading and he rolled in the grass and napped and just generally sniffed everything...oh - and he also snatched a bug out of mid-air and ate it. I guess you have to get your protein somehow, right?
Taking some time to stop & smell the flowers... |
Rolling in the grass is absolutely delightful. |
A sure sign that school has started back - all the little people congregate at the corner, waiting on the bus. |
Can we please stop taking pictures & walk? Geez woman... |
It's county fair season in this area and so on Tuesday night, we drove over into Shenandoah county to go to the fair - although this was more to see the sights and less about the rides; but we rode a few things. The Shenandoah County Fair is a pretty nice size and they had plenty to see and do and eat...deep fried Oreo anyone? Of course they had the gigantic vegetables and award winning jams and jellies but I was most impressed with the animals. Y'all, I will be honest - I had no clue that cows were so gigantic! We went through the animal barns and I was just completely taken aback; the cows (the beef cows, not the dairy cows) were absolutely enormous and there was nothing keeping them in their little stalls.
The drive-in was having a movie marathon for Labor Day weekend - you could see five movies starting at 8 and going till sunrise. We only watched the first two because I like my bed and I like to be in it; my Mom agreed. We arrived at the theatre shortly before the gates opened at 6 and we were rewarded with front row seats for our movie watching experience. I have to admit I wasn't sure what we would do from 6 to 8 while we waited for the sun to go down but between getting supper at the concession stand, people watching and talking, the time flew by for the movie to start. I've only been to the drive-in once in my life, but I must say I'm a fan! You can talk if you'd like and no one will shush you...because you are sitting in your own car. And I do love that!
Waiting to get into the movies... |
Watching Planes: Fire & Rescue from the front seat of the car... |
My constant lap companion for the movies - which I certainly didn't mind. He was playing games during intermission... |
Oh yeah - if you live anywhere near Mississippi, I'm sure you're aware that MSU played USM on Saturday night and it was a fairly brutal beat down. I wasn't sure where my loyalties would lie since I was raised from day one to cheer for MSU but I spent three years getting an education at USM. I loved my time at USM and made some of the best friends...I thoroughly enjoyed going to all the football games and cheering on the Golden Eagles...but when my Mom text me that the score was 28-0 in MSU's favor, well...
I guess almost thirty years of MSU raising runs pretty deep - and so I had to whisper a little "Hail State"!
Obviously not my picture - but I thought it was pretty funny! |
Labor Day lunch of champions.... |
Monday was Labor Day (what? You knew that already... Oh well) and after a short visit to work (which is Hallmark by the way...I work part time at Hallmark) I came home and had some delicious grilled lunch: hamburgers, hot dogs and chips! We decided to end the day with a trip to the mall to see the movie The Hundred Foot Journey and Dad even got some nice new clothes; because you know, Labor Day sale and all that business!
So - a week plus a day. Not a bad week and a day if I do say so myself...and now another week is already chugging along. There are only about sixteen weeks left in this year! I can't I'll leave you to ponder that one.
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