What a week...what a week! I guess I should actually say what a start to this week: so much crazy weather, too much for this chick to deal with. Monday was supposed to be chock full of crazy weather but with each passing hour, the impending weather was moved back...and back...and back. The air was heavy and almost thick to the touch and things just seemed "off", so I headed home at the end of the day preparing for a wild night.
I was able to break up the impending doom for about 45 minutes while I went over to the Deans to have birthday cake and ice cream for McKenna's 16th birthday! I cannot believe she is already 16 - if anyone makes me feel old, it's certainly her because I can remember all too vividly going to the hospital to meet her for the first time.
I went home after the birthday goodness, running on nothing but sugar and anxiety - which isn't necessarily a good combination. I had these big plans to take a shower and eat supper...maybe go visit my Nanny if the weather got to be a
little too crazy for my liking. Let me tell you, that just went right out of the window! I was stepping out of the shower when it thundered very LOUD and that was all she wrote! I threw on my pajamas, tossed my cell phone, my cell phone charger and a book, as well as a packet of Ramen noodles into my purse, wrapped up in a rain coat and went fleeing across the yard to my grandmother's house with my puppy hot on my heels! Because you see, I am absolutely a complete and total pansy.
Sweet Sixteen! How did we get here so fast?? |
The weather didn't last long but it wasn't pleasant while it was here. When we popped up on the radar and there was a nice little message that we were in the path of a tornado and had 20 minutes to get to a safe place, I decided to spurn my Nanny to action and we went next door to the neighbors to ride out the worst of the weather; and it really was some serious spurning to action, she tried to tell me that she would just stay in her trailer and if it was her time to go, she was just fine with that but I finally put my foot down (in the midst of having a complete meltdown) and told her she was coming with me. The worst only lasted about thirty minutes and then it moved on - I was so happy to be able to come home and go to sleep in my own bed around 10:30 because I definitely love sleeping in my own bed...and sometimes bad weather has a way of getting in the way of that.
Watson praying that the bad weather leave us....and monitoring the situation from my Nanny's front door. |
A foggy yet sunny Tuesday morning.... |
Driving home on Tuesday - with another round of impending weather supposedly on the way. Crazy! |
Tuesday was supposed to be just as bad as Monday and the day played out almost exactly the same - the day passed and each hour, the time that the storms were supposed to arrive moved back, and back, and back...until I was driving home under blue skies and a gentle breeze. A little bit of weather moved through around 7:30 but by 8:15, all that was left outside were gentle raindrops and yet again, I was thrilled to be able to get a good night's sleep. I do so hate missing my sleep, ha-ha!
Welcoming much better weather and the month of May! |
An Easter afternoon snack at the office - delicious! |
Postal ducks - these guys were hanging out at the post office in Collinsville on Thursday afternoon. Hilarious. |
People joke that if you manage to take care of a dog, it's like training for a future child. I'm not sure about all that but I'm willing to bet the money that is spent on a pet is training for all the money that a person has to spend on a child as well. I had to buy medication and shampoo and because I was nice, I bought treats for Watson because on Thursday night I subjected him to an arsenal of indoctrination. I bathed him with oatmeal pet shampoo that is meant to help "deflect" pests as step one... then he had to take his worm pills so that he doesn't get all wormy (gross) but that should have been a walk in the park because he got to take those in small pieces of cheese...and then lastly, I put his Frontline on him and that really angered him because I have to ruffle his fur to put it on. He literally gets mad because I "ruffle his feathers"...crazy dog. Oh well, I'm just trying to take care of him.
$$$$ spent on a goofy little pup.... |
A seriously ticked off dog on Thursday night, he wanted nothing to do with me. |
Friday night was just the height of laziness for me - I can confess that completely. I came home and laid on the couch and read...and then I laid on the couch and watched HBO...and then I laid in the bath tub and relaxed...and then I laid on the couch and played Sherlock: The Network on my iPhone...and then I laid in the bed and read some more. You see, completely lazy. Even Watson was in on the laziness and managed to sleep in the chair, on the couch, on my bed and on his bed...we were all about it.
A lazy little lizard on the couch sleeping on Friday night. |
My new favorite candle - I should have bought every one in the store. It smells amazing! Plus - London! |
Solving a case with Sherlock, John & Mycroft...Mycroft is really bossy. Geez. |
Saturday's forecast - I think the Weather Channel was a little confused about what sunny looks like. |
Saturday afternoon entertainment - the only type of spider I have any interest in seeing.... |
My Peep bunny; the perfect Saturday night snack! |
After a lazy (yes, that was the theme this weekend) Saturday morning, I took myself to Philadelphia to see The Amazing Spiderman 2 - which I thoroughly enjoyed, but I'll touch on that in another post, another time. I also watched the movie We Are the Millers on HBO on Saturday night and it was pretty hilarious, if a little bit raunchy. The best part of Saturday was playing a game I really love; a game called: these clothes didn't fit a couple months ago, but they do now! I discovered that some dresses I'd not worn since last summer were a bit too big to be wearing again...which is fun. The part of it that is more fun is discovering dresses I haven't worn in several years that fit again; it's like going shopping and adding clothes to your closet without having to spend a dime. Exactly the kind of shopping that I like!
As you can see, Watson was terribly intrigued by the whole trying on clothes game.... |
My "new" purse from Thirty-One...which is actually the same purse, with a new skirt! |
Sure, that's about right... |
Sunday was - as always - a crazy, little kid filled day. That doesn't change too much from week to week but good grief, there were twenty-one kids this Sunday and for whatever reason, the guest speakers thought they'd talk from 10:15 to noon and let me tell you, the natives...and the adults, were getting restless. I certainly enjoyed my leisurely afternoon nap before heading back to church to hang out with another little kid. And now I'm happily seated on the couch, ready to watch the next episode of Game of Thrones. Another week is coming...look out!
Being silly with one of my favorite girls! |
Cuddling with another of my favorite sweeties - who am I kidding, they're all my favorite sweeties! |
Training up another new nursery worker... |
Sunday afternoon rocking session... |
The new parked next to the old - so funny! |
Well - that's all she wrote...for now. I've got to finish watching Once Upon A Time and then focus all my attention on Westeros; because you all know how important Game of Thrones is, ha-ha! ;) Till next time!
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