This week managed to be one of those weeks where time is it's own strange construct; things seem to pass at time very slowly while somehow speeding by too; and the whole week had kind of a strange feeling to it, which I'm sure was brought about by the snow day(s) in the middle of the week. I feel like I've spent much of this week being lazy, although that really isn't the case but I suppose being at home when you're usually at work does make you feel strange. Anyway, another week has passed and now it's February - 2014 is already whirring past! Looking back on the week as we move forward....
Checking the forecast on Monday....and hoping it was 100% correct. |
Last Friday, I was invited to come to a small get together where a hostess would discuss Premier jewelry and in trade for about thirty minutes of your time, you could choose a brand new purse completely free. My resident jewelry lady Mandy also happens to be the relative of one of my friends (someone that was initially a work friend, but now is simply a friend) and so we decided we'd go together - it was on Monday night at 5:30. When work finally ended (Monday seemed long...but then every day worked this week seemed long) we made a CVS run before getting to the party, listening to the jewelry speech and then taking our time sorting through all the purses. We got a giggle out of some of them and just when I was thinking that I wouldn't find one that I really, truly loved...I found the orange and tan one! After making sure that everyone else at the party was okay with that one being the one I picked, I squeezed it tightly to me - yahoo for free things! After getting myself some delicious chicken salad to have for supper from the Deli, I headed home in the rapidly dropping temperatures....praying for snow and planning how to pack my new purse!
My new purse, which was completely and totally free! I love it! |
Watson watching the snow start to fall on Tuesday. |
Tuesday arrived early and cold. Since I hadn't heard anything from my office I decided to go ahead and get ready for work but the whole time I was getting ready, I could hear sleet tapping at the windows. I was sending text messages back and forth with two of my co-workers, discussing the conditions outside our houses and wondering what they would decide about work. Now - it hadn't started snowing at this point but all I could think of was the drive home at the end of the day on snowy, icy, slushy roads and I was not looking forward to it. A message from the HR guy at about 7:30 told us just to hang tight until we heard from him and happily, around 9 we got another message telling us to stay home! By then it had started to snow, so Watson and I settled in to finish watching
Klondike on the Discovery channel - a show about a snowy wilderness seemed only appropriate since that was what the outdoors was turning into!
Just a few snow pictures from Tuesday.... |
And just a few more.... |
I saw this online this week and thought it was absolutely hilarious - because it is pretty much dead-on. |
Watson has found his new favorite spot to sit - he can watch everything happening in the yard and be comfy! |
Proving that wonders never cease, I (the whole office, not just me) was granted another snow day on Wednesday. I'll be honest - as much as working can seem so tiring at times, I think we can all admit we are glad to have something to do during the day, right? I thoroughly enjoyed my two days off but by the time they had passed I had cleaned the bathroom, washed laundry, vacuumed the whole house, re-arranged some furniture (not a whole room...just some small things) watched The Fifth Estate, watched Star Trek: Into Darkness, visited my Nanny each day, re-watched Sunday's episode of Sherlock, finished the last 200 pages of one book and started the first 100 pages of another book, poked around on this blog and the internet for hours...basically, I guess I got bored. Not that I was wildly excited about getting up before seven again when Thursday came around...but like I said, I guess it's good to have something to do during the day, right?
A few shots from Day two of the snow...or at least it was snow for a little while on Day two before becoming ice.... |
I'm pretty proud of how well my French braiding skills are getting! |
He sleeps in the strangest positions in the world - bless him. |
The Thursday drive to work was interesting - I am not even remotely versed in driving in/on any kind of ice and snow. My vehicle is new but it certainly doesn't have four wheel drive and so when I set out for work on Thursday I was slightly apprehensive. The drive for the most part was just fine but once I turned off the highway there were still large patches of ice on the road and that made me a wee bit nervous...but what made me more nervous were the crazy people who wanted to still drive 50+ miles per hour on ice covered roads and do so while they were right on my tail. Not cool people, not cool. I'm telling you; just like I told my Mother, had one of them hit my shiny new car then I would have absolutely come unglued. Thankfully, I made it to work without slipping or sliding at all, which is exactly how I like it!
The Thursday morning drive to work, complete with melting snow & ice all around! |
And the drive home, less snow & ice but a lovely sunset! |
We really like to cut loose at the office on Fridays.... |
Amazingly there was still quite a bit of snow & ice on Friday - residual snow three days later? Practically unheard of in MS. |
Can I just say - I'm pretty sure my little sister was born under a lucky star. Never in all my life have I seen a child that manages such a lucky streak. She found out on Thursday that she'd be spending her time doing pilot training in Columbus, so that's back to Mississippi for her and even more interesting is that she gets to start pilot training on her birthday! Like I said - talk about a stroke of luck! Adding to that, on Friday some of the cast members from Dancing with the Stars spent the day at the Academy and Lindsey had lunch with them, spent time with them and even got a chance to have her very own dance with Val Chmerkoskivy! Of course, she takes it all in stride because she's cool like that - I take it as a certain sign that she's one lucky little duck!
Look at how cool my little sister is, having lunch with Val Chmerskovskiy from Dancing with the Stars! |
PBS has had something going all week - wanted to know whether people were going to watch Downton Abbey & Sherlock....or the Super Bowl. Ha-ha! |
Why is there a light on, on the 8th floor of the Three Foot Building at almost ten on a Saturday night? Eek! |
Friday was a lovely kind of relaxed night - I came home, had a BBQ chicken pizza for supper, did some laundry and watched Bones, an episode of Being Human and some Sherlock (I know - I have a problem. Admitting it is the first step in an addiction, right?). I read in the bed until almost midnight and tried so hard to sleep late in the morning...but no matter how hard I tried, I finally had to give it up at 7:45...kind of. I laid in the bed and read until about 8:15 when my dog had a crazed moment and I finally decided to get up, just to let him out of his room. I was lazy for most of the morning, just drinking coffee, talking to my parents and finishing up a book.
I met my friend Hope at 1:30 to see the movie Labor Day, which I really enjoyed. Granted, like almost all movies that are made into books - I do think I liked the book a teeny bit more. The movie was great, but then I've loved watching just about anything that Kate Winslet is in since I saw that itty bitty movie Titanic years and years ago. I made a quick Wal Mart run after the movie for Super Bowl party supplies, chilled out at home for a little while and then went out for dinner and drinks with David. It was a departure from our normal Saturday evening excursions but we had a great time!
My faith in humanity was also restored just a little bit on Saturday night. While I was at Wal Mart on Saturday I saw an old classmate from high school - and I should tell you that I hate being that person that speaks first because I'm shy and if the other person doesn't reciprocate, I feel like an idiot - but I guess I was feeling crazy, because I smiled at this girl and started to say hello. I bit it back pretty quick though because she stared at me like I had an extra limb growing from my head and just stalked past me. I; of course, felt like an idiot and vowed never to do that again. So of course, just hours later at Weidmann's I saw two more of my old classmates seated right across the way from David and I. I decided I'd just keep to myself; I certainly wasn't going to speak first, but imagine my surprise when both guys got up, came over and gave me a hug and then we talked for almost ten minutes. Later that night another former classmate waved at me from across the room and I was reminded that I shouldn't have felt like an idiot earlier - I was being nice; that other person should feel like an idiot for being so rude. Smile at people - even if they don't smile at you. It's their problem, not yours!
Garlic Rosemary Chicken with Parmesan Mashed Potatoes for supper and a Sour Apple Martini for dessert! Yum! |
We survived our Saturday night, ha-ha! |
Having fun with my baby love Sadie on Sunday morning! |
I dressed to support the Broncos on Sunday & didn't realize it until after church was over, ha-ha! |
I went to a Super Bowl party on Sunday night at my Aunt and Uncle's house - which, that game wasn't really so super, huh? I don't know if the Broncos ever even got on the plane that left Denver but I do know they certainly weren't at the game I was watching. I was pretty disappointed that I was missing Downton Abbey to see watch that nightmare of a game but at least the good food and great company made up for it. One thing I wasn't going to miss was the third and final episode of Sherlock - I hopped in my car and raced home as fast as I could in the torrential downpour so that when it started at nine, I was situated on the couch, ready to go! Much as I figured, the episode was just one OMG moment after another for the full ninety minutes and when the final reveal came, I almost fell off my couch - honestly. I certainly hope we don't have to wait two more years to see Series Four.
Super Bowl outfit and eats...I obviously cheered for the Broncos, even though they were almost non-existent the whole game... |
I don't want to watch the Super Bowl or Sherlock, I want to sleep in my pillow fort. Leave me be please. |
That moment in the episode when things got real...oh wait, that had already happened about five times already... |
This week looks to be pretty average - no snow days in the forecast and you don't get off work for monsoons, ha-ha. As Louise Brealey said on Twitter this morning (she plays Molly Hooper on Sherlock, just an FYI)..."Work hard, Be good and Have a Happy Day!"
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