It happened again! It was Thursday night, I had nothing to do and I immediately thought that I needed to cook something. Actually, I was really bored on Wednesday night and while in my boredom I decided that I'd poke around on Google and see if I could find a recipe for a bread with some kind of cherries in it.
I found a recipe for something called Chocolate Chip Cherry Bread and then swiftly realized that I would need some eggs to make this whole thing work out. I contented myself with knowing that I could stop by the grocery store on the way home on Thursday, took a screen cap of the recipe with my phone and moved on.
Then - on Thursday, even though it had been pouring and was threatening to pour again, I stopped at the Piggly Wiggly and swiftly collected myself a little carton of eggs. $.95 later and I was headed home in front of yet another torrential downpour and then running wildly across the yard in the beginnings of the flood, holding my eggs tightly but carefully to keep them from getting crushed in the mad dash for the door. Blessedly, I was victorious. I walked on the treadmill, ate supper and then got down to business!
Ingredients! |
Murder most foul or just cooking? You decide. |
One of the best parts of this was that while I was in the midst of murdering some cherries with a knife I had a slightly wicked thought. Let me preface this by saying that I'd stopped at my Nanny's house to get some baking powder and in the plastic baggie she put it in, it looked more or less like crack. Or apparently Ricin. I don't know - guess it depends on who you ask. Anyway - I took a picture of the baggie of baking powder and sent it to David. He immediately sent back a text message "RICIN". OK - I was going for crack, but that's fine.
I didn't respond, just let him think on that picture of "ricin". Then I took a picture of my slightly bloody looking hand, holding the cherry killing knife and sent it to him. No caption or comment. This time I got a perfect response - "OMG - WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Ha-ha, nothing like messing with the best friend's mind to give myself a good giggle. I'm sure he thought the work stress had finally gotten to me and I'd turn to drugs and worse - but I assured him I was just baking and the only thing that had been harmed was a couple cherries. My job certainly does make me crazy sometimes but I just use walking and baking to vent frustrations. What a combination, right? I see the irony - trust me.
Bananas, butter and eggs - time to get squished together! |
In go the chopped pecans... |
In go the chocolate chips (maybe a couple more than the recipe actually called for ...) |
And in go the cherries (also much more than the recipe called for...) |
Yep - this already looks pretty much like heaven. |
Swirly, swirly, swirly...mix it all up! |
I should mention that the whole time I was busy mixing all this stuff up in my kitchen, my lovely little pooch was making sure he stood right by the oven, sniffing the air to see what smells he could deduce and hoping I'd drop something. Sorry buddy - not happening.
Before the oven.... |
The desecration in my kitchen sink - eek! Don't worry Mom, I cleaned up real nice & quick! |
After the oven! I mean - yes! |
I don't know what you think - but I think that is pretty. Deliciously pretty. |
YUM. |
Of course this one wanted a bite - which he couldn't have. No people food for you! |
Because I am just so kind - I have posted the screen cap I took with my phone of the awesome recipe. So, now you too can bake when you get bored. You might also google something up and share your new found recipe with me. I'm all about sharing good recipes! OK - I gotta go find (another) movie to watch. It's Friday night, I've already watched
Warm Bodies. I've got find something else on worth passing some time.
Bake to your heart's content! |
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