Sometimes I feel like that is what I'm doing - just passing the time. I guess what matters is what you're doing while all that time is passing. I stayed pretty busy this week, so it seemed like it passed even quicker than usual. I enjoyed my week and my weekend - but man, blink and you miss it.
I'm just now eating my breakfast on this Monday morning, so it may take me a paragraph or two to become completely coherent. I've become one of those people that needs two cups of coffee to function these days - thanks for the addiction Dad. Ha-ha!
My family was with me at the beginning of the week; it is always nice to start any day with family around you. It was also really nice to know that when I came home on Monday afternoon my house would be filled with sounds of people and I'd have someone to talk to. The house was pretty quiet on Tuesday when I got home; I love my dog dearly but he isn't exactly the world's best at conversation. He is good with the cuddles and confused looks - as you'll see below.
Watson saying good-bye to his Aunt Beast. I think he misses her the most. |
Monsoon conditions on the way to work Tuesday - where is my boat?? |
This face kills me - so confused about why his "people" left. Bless your little puppy heart. |
The rest of the work week passed pretty much without incident - which is how I like it. I guess I think of an incident as a bad thing, I suppose that isn't accurate though. Maybe I need more incidents in my life to liven it up? Regardless, this week was pretty relaxed - unless you count my treadmill trying to kill me on Saturday but that's getting ahead of things. I'll get to that in a bit.
Wednesday morning stretches - he cracks me up. |
The office lizard - he visits almost daily. I think he's pretty cool. |
Fluffy blue skies on Wednesday afternoon. |
I baked again - I mean, I couldn't just let those bananas go to waste... |
Flowers everywhere! I'm amazed any stay alive in this insane heat.
Thursday was eventful - maybe I should backtrack on no incidents. This was an awesome incident though. Some backstory: July 4th is on a Thursday this year - what a crazy weekday to fall on 4th of July! My office is not closed on Friday, the 5th and that is just a sad truth. We'd been discussing making plans for me to visit Virginia if the office was closed on the 5th, but since that wasn't happening, the visit to VA was a no-go. I basically had no plans for the 4th of July but to sleep late and maybe wear some patriotic colors while I chilled at the house. My Momma decided that just wouldn't do though...
Thursday morning on the way to work, she told me to go ahead and ask for the 5th of July off. Which I was kind of skeptical about - plane tickets cost quite a bit of money and this chick does not have much of that green stuff to spare. Also, July 4th was literally two weeks away - to the day. Plane tickets don't get any cheaper the closer your departure date gets; they do the opposite and much like the Man of Steel (saw that this weekend - I'll elaborate later) they go up, up and away...out of reach. Thank goodness I lead such a jetset life because all those miles that I'd been accumulating were about to be of use.
My day off was approved, there were fevered text messages between my Mom and I - was 45 minutes to short a layover in Atlanta? Did I mind getting back to Jackson at 8:53 or would I rather get back at 5:30? - and then, the best text message of all - to check my emails, the confirmation would be there! Victory! Through my miles and a gift of some of my Mom's miles (thanks Mom!) I am now going to be VA bound for a long weekend in just...9 days! If you count the 3rd, which is the day I leave. So really - only 8 days! Talk about a drastic change in plans in a matter of hours.
I spent the rest of the day bouncing off the wall with excitement and that feeling has carried over into this week because with each day that passes, I'm a day closer to VA and all the people there that I love to see; family and friends both! Virginia is worming it's way into my heart and with every visit, I am even more convinced that I want to make a more permanant place for myself there. So - we'll see. Only 8 days to go!
Yay Virginia - I'm counting down the days! |
Sack lunch Friday at work...yummy, yummy. |
This movie - was DUMB. And really weird. So weird |
And now my writing is centered. What is up with that?? I tried to move a picture and it caused it to get all jacked up. My OCD tendencies are kicking in. Oh well, moving on. Friday night, David and I went to see This is the End. Now, I was pretty confident it was going to be fairly dumb - especially when David tells me we should probably turn our brains off before it starts. I don't think I expected it to be SO dumb. Sure, some parts of it were funny and the last minute and a half was pretty hilarious/awesome, but all in all. Just - no. *I fixed it! Joy!*
You know what was even more no? A girl decided that she would strike up a conversation with me while I was in the bathroom stall next to her. Never seen this girl before in my life and suddenly, while we are both going about our bathroom business she wants to discuss Channing Tatum's 30 second cameo in the movie. I mean - no thanks. Please lets not discuss that or anything else. Just - no.
McKenna showing off Lindsey's possible new bedding while in town on Saturday. |
Saturday morning I drank my coffee and fought my treadmill. I mean that almost literally; not in the sense that walking on the treadmill was killing me. That's not it. The crazy belt on the treadmill seemed loose on Saturday morning. When I tried to walk forward, the belt jerked backward pretty hard and had I not still been holding on to the hand rail, I would have been pretty swiftly thrown into the floor. Good grief! I mean, come on treadmill, you are supposed to help me acheive physical fitness - not try to kill me. I persevered and kept on walking, but with a little more trepidation. Ha!
I spent the afternoon in town with McKenna. We ate lunch at San Marcos, perused some shops in town and then went to see Man of Steel . Which will now be classified as my favorite Superman movie. Honestly, is was such a good move. I was pretty apprehensive about it; I'd heard that it was too dark, too brooding, etc...but I really didn't think that. It was really well cast - I mean, hello Henry Cavill! I know he's a Brit but he can play America's number one superhero all day long if he'll just leave that supersuit on. I told McKenna I might pass out if he was shirtless in the movie and ever dutifully, when he appeared onscreen shirtless, McKenna poked me and whispered "are you okay over there?" Ha-ha! Amy Adams was also great as Lois Lane and had great chemistry with Henry Cavill. Granted, I'm not sure how you couldn't have chemistry with Henry Cavill. Is it too obvious that I might have a slight crush on the new Man of Steel? Ha-ha, go see the movie. You won't be disappointed.
Loved it! People only gave it 2.5 stars, but I say 4. Loved. It. |
Sonic on the way home - Orange Creme Slush this time. |
My one purchase for the day - a $6 red owl from Ross. Love it. He's hanging out in my kitchen now. |
Sunday - well, Sunday was stressful. I'll just leave it at that because I probably shouldn't say much more. Suffice it to say that once I got home and had lunch, I was really looking forward to my nap. Apparently so was Watson because he crawled into his little dog bed and practically died. He's a mess for sure but he isn't going to miss his Sunday afternoon nap - much like his Momma.
I think having pets is like pre-gaming for when you have kids. Seriously. Sunday afternoon I was asleep on the couch...pretty deeply asleep and I heard a choking noise on the porch which caused me to jerk up and off the couch and to the front door to see why Watson was choking. I don't know if he swallowed a bug or what, but he coughed for a minute and then recovered. Of course, then he needed to come in and nap because choking is exhausting. Agreed - because I think worrying that your dog is choking is also intense. Yikes.
The church is getting an overhaul - whoa! |
I mean - he was out like a light. Didn't move. |
My sweet Daddy brought this to me last week. It's one my fridge now & let me say - Superman is looking GOOD for 75! |
Look at that face!! I could eat him up sometimes. |
True Blood - oh Lordy. Definitely a guilty pleasure at this point; mostly because sometimes I actually feel guilty that I'm watching something so absolutely nuts and enjoying even a little bit of it. A couple of the storylines are good and if Alexander Skarsgard is onscreen then I'm game, but most of it has just become such complete fantastical nonsense that I find myself playing a round of Candy Crush Saga during some scenes. I guess I feel invested though - I've watched 5 seasons and I can't just quit; I've got to know how it all ends.
Nerdy Eric - I love it. Eric/Alex is the best part. The rest of it = meh. Whatever.
Well - that's all folks. I'll touch base a little later in the week - till then, hope you're having a good Monday.