Seriously - are we already to Sunday afternoon again? Last week the week was rough and seemed to drag by at the pace of a geriatric snail but this week was actually pretty good, which by the logic of twisted time passage means the week (and weekend) blazed by so fast that if I blinked, I might have missed something.
Watson has pretty much mended but more than anything, I think having him get bit is a lesson in learning to be calm for me. Letting him out; every time is a struggle because I don't know that he won't get hurt again. While I was told that the dog that did the attacking was being kept leashed at all time I know that isn't true because I've seen the dog roaming free three times this week. I can't keep Watson locked inside, especially not with (hopefully) Spring right around the corner...but there are times when I want to. I asked my Mom if this was just a taste of what having kids was like, just having to push them out into the world every day and hope they came home in one piece - she said that yes, basically that was the idea. Yikes! I'm getting better though. Every day, he scoots outside for a little bit longer and I'm finally starting to breathe a little bit slower.
One thing always guaranteed to make a Monday better? The arrival of Girl Scout cookies. And yes, I bought 4 boxes. Judge not lest ye be judged. Matthew 7:1 - ha-ha! |
He has no clue what a Samoa is, but he'd definitely like to find out.... |
Watching Christopher & John Ross mix it up on "Dallas" - I'm on Team John Ross, but Watson seems to like Christopher. Not sure about that choice there Watson...but your Nana will approve. |
I guess I should take this as a sign that he wants to go out? |
Tater Tot Tuesday - sweet tater tots to be exact. |
Side note - so excited to see that Sonic has Sweet Potato Tots but I kind of think it's a crap deal because you have to pay $1.50 extra (yes, a $1.50 - I thought it was only $.50 but then looked at my receipt more closely) for the things and they are tiny. Highway robbery...all for tater tots made of sweet potato. *sigh*
Fluffy puffy clouds on the drive home Tuesday... |
So, the tag with these said pink & white...they really look more like peach & yellow. Either way, they're gorgeous & I was so excited to discover this one had bloomed when I got home Tuesday afternoon! |
Lovely! |
It's the little things that make a day at work better - like a cherry Jolly Rancher (my favorite) from a co-worker!
Now that I am much more cautious with Watson going in and out, he has really ramped up the big protector act. Not only has he done that, but even after being bitten he seems to still have what I call Small Dog Syndrome: he weighs about 18 pounds, but he thinks he weighs about 180 pounds. Case in point, Wednesday night - I let him out around 7:30 after scanning the yard for threats. He'd been outside for about 10 minutes when I heard him start barking like crazy. I look outside and he is headed across the yard in the direction of the dog that bit him...barking like a maniac and obviously intent to avenge his honor. Since I'd seen the dog that bit him mere hours earlier, roaming freely in his yard this scene created utter panic. I threw on the closest shoes I could find (rain boots) and went tearing across the yard, coat flapping behind me like the wings of some strange night bird, shrieking Watson's name at the top of my lungs. I'm sure had anyone seen me they would have that I was completely nuts. Watson stopped and studied me for about a minute before he decided to come back to me instead of going after his attacker. I mean - the excitement never stops around here. Seriously. He also randomly goes flying through the house to each accessible window barking like a maniac at threats both imagined and real - usually imagined, although what constitutes a real threat is actually just a squirrel running through the darkened yard.
Telling this goofy boy to calm down, calm down. I couldn't hear Si's words of wisdom on "Duck Dynasty" over all that barking. |
A package from my lovely parents came on Thursday! Yahoo! |
Random architectural detail I noticed on a building in downtown Meridian on Thursday.... |
Trying to coax Spring into existence by merely thinking about it...hoping that maybe if I put out Spring decor, it will just magically happen. |
Lunch on Thursday! That's some good chicken y'all! :) |
Quite possibly the cutest necklace I've ever seen - picked out for me by my Momma & Lindsey at Eve's Revolution in Colorado Springs. I love it, wore it the next day!
A little explanation before we move on to the pictures of my dog striking the jackpot. The weekend that we (being myself, my Mom & Nanny) were in Colorado Springs, my parent's church had a silent auction to raise money for the youth. They had all kinds of gift baskets to bid on, one of them being a basket full of dog stuff. My Mom told my Dad to bid on it and gave him a limit (which he totally went over, he loves Watson more than he thinks he does...) to how much to bid. It was a close race for a while, but we finally got a text from my Dad that said "winner winner chicken dinner" we knew Watson was hitting the jackpot. What was in the gift basket you ask? Well - a rope toy, a cow toy, dog treats, a container for the dog treats, a blankie, 4 tennis balls, a t-bone flavored chewie, shampoo, a squeaky toy (which mystifies Watson) and 12 little poop baggies, all inside an awesome brown and white basket to store everything. I think Watson was pretty unsure about what to do with all his new stuff, but we say "Thank you Poppy & Nana!!!"
Not sure what in the world all this stuff is... |
Happy early birthday to you Watson...because his birthday is in March. He's a rotten little stinker for sure. |
Sitting in the back seat on the way home - he's a well behaved rotten little stinker, at least I can say that much. |
Books! Golly but I love books - can't wait to read these; seen both of the movies and I am a firm believer that the books is ALMOST always better than the movie. And maybe I won't say golly anymore... |
Another book - courtesy of my Dad! Thanks Dad, it's awesome & a great addition to my Peanuts collection! |
He took to his new blankie just wonderfully! |
Friday's weather forecast for early Saturday morning... I mean, seriously Mississippi?? |
The sky on the way home Friday night. |
This one - I let him on my bed once & now he thinks it is his. I was trying to wash my sheets, he sits at the door crying to go get on MY bed. Rotten I tell you, rotten. |
Lindsey and I are already planning our 2014 sibling vacation - and we're headed to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. We've read just about every Nicholas Sparks book that there is and so we've decided we want to explore all the beaches, bays and small towns that the Outer Banks have to offer. I can't wait to see what this trip has in store for us; the first sibling vacation last year was pretty amazing and I'm sure this one will be no different.
Friday night reading material.... |
Just like a teenager - he doesn't want anyone to mess with him & if you do, he just hides his face. |
Grocery shopping on Saturday morning...fruit far as the eye can see... |
Another attempt at hurrying Spring with it's arrival... |
A present from a friend - I'm already planning to wear it to work tomorrow. So cute! |
A little Saturday afternoon entertainment... |
Peep! Peep! Although, I guess I should have gotten chicks if I wanted to write that, huh? |
Sunday lunch = clearing the fridge of all the leftovers. |
Don't let the sunshine fool you - it is COLD outside today. Not as cold as Saturday, but still pretty brisk. |
Out for a walk with Watson |
I call this picture "dog with a park bench"... He'd probably call it "dog is pissed he's on a leash"...oh well. |
This one is called "dog on a park bench" because hey, why not hop up here & sit by Mom? |
Getting some sun - soaking up the Vitamin D.
Only a few more hours until the weekend is over and another week begins. I wonder how this week will turn out; fast or slow? Good or bad? Only time will tell. One thing I do hope is that this weather starts to lean a little bit more to the side of Spring - snow flurries on March 2nd isn't really my thing; at least not right now. Hope everyone has had a good week and weekend and I hope your week ahead is wonderful, because that is what I'm hoping for mine!
I'm ready for Spring y'all - I packed away the boots & pulled out the sandals. |
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