So - this post is a day late...and I don't necessarily know that I'm literally a dollar short, but it's a saying and so you want to be sure to use all of it, right? Although these days I actually feel like I'm a lot more than a dollar short on numerous occasions but I guess that is the joy of being young, right? So I'm told.
It's already Monday morning and it has gotten off to an epic start so far. And when I say epic, I don't mean that in a positive way. It is pouring outsides, I got soaked trying to get the mail on the way to work and before I even got out of the house I had to clean up both pee and poop because my angelic dog, who never has accidents decided that last night he'd just go for the gold in the pet accidents and he left me a puddle and some poop. Thank you Watson - thank you.
On to the pictures and possibly a few anecdotes from the week...
I'm really trying hard to force Spring into existence... |
Goofball |
I started Weight Watchers on Monday - Lord knows this should be an adventure. Even admitting that I've started it is a little scary, if I'm being honest...because everyone says it just works so well, so if the pounds don't just start falling off I'm going to be slightly disappointed. I've had to get crafty with my meals once I get home because I've got to make sure I'm not eating up too many points. Therefore, we have pictures of food!
How many points might this be? Anyone care to wager a guess? I don't actually remember at this point...8? 9? |
The best part of my Monday through Friday? Getting into the car at 5 o'clock to be homeward bound! |
The best sign that you're on Weight Watchers? All your snack food laid out across the counter with points marked on them. It was a week night project & Watson kept thinking we were going to open them & eat. Notice I said we...because he thinks he deserves a bite of it all. |
Don't let that angelic face fool you - apparently he's not so sweet & well behaved as I've always thought. |
My new mouse pad - I let Lindsey pick it out & she went with the puppy on the hammock. |
Another one of those meals that I counted out points as I cooked...I'm hungry just looking at it. |
Another picture of a sleeping dog...sometimes this is all he does... |
Sunlight streaming in the windows - won't see this anymore since the time has changed. |
A Spring day in downtown Meridian.... |
I loved the way the blue sky was so perfectly reflected in the mirrored windows of the building. |
What time is it? |
I could really get used to the skies looking like this on a daily basis.... |
A beaver dam big enough for human beings to camp in - I pass this every day & it always makes me think of the Robertsons on Duck Dynasty. |
The sun setting on another work week. Hallelujah for the weekend! |
He has started sitting in my lap in the car - I guess he wants to drive? |
I'm suddenly eating more fruit than I think I have ever eaten in my life. Not a bad thing though - adds lots of color to the kitchen. |
Friday night calm. |
Begging - not exclusive to Friday nights either. This is 24/7 365. |
What he was begging for - and when I tried to give him a bite, he licked it & walked away. |
I have started a bad habit with my little dog - I didn't intend for it to be a thing, but it has turned into one. I let him lay on my bed once when he was hurt a few weeks ago and now he thinks that is HIS spot to be in and if you prevent him from getting to the bed, he gets very moody and sometimes even cries! Friday night he played outside some and I was able to get the sheets washed and the bed re-made...but naturally, once that was done he climbed onto the bed and made it his own, knocking over pillows in the process.
He's like "what? It's my bed...right?" |
Pretending he's a big bad protector... |
I love to see the clock on my phone saying this...& knowing that because it is Saturday there is no meaning behind it besides rolling over and going back to sleep. |
Sitting outside in the sunshine, getting ready to do an auto project. |
Oh yeah - the project. *sigh* The weather strip on the side of my window had become a bit of a problem recently. It was popped up and flapping in the breeze. According to my Dad and my Uncle, if it wasn't fixed then it could cause my front windshield to leak water when it rains. Not cool. Also not cool? I don't really have money budgeted to take my car to a glass place and get this fixed. Time to break out my DIY skills. I ventured into the Auto section of Wal-Mart Friday on the way home from work and searched out what I thought I needed. I'm guessing I got the right thing; if you are reading this and see that I didn't - maybe keep it to yourself because I am pretty proud of myself for fixing this and I don't need my skills crushed, OK? I cleaned that little strip thing off and let me tell you...that adhesive was like black tar. It looked like black tar and I'm assuming it smelled like black tar; I didn't smell it because it said the fumes were toxic and I didn't really want to take any chances. It stuck down just fine and everything seems to be working out really well at this point - which is a good thing since it has been pouring all day today.
And yes - I rode to work on Friday with the window strip duck taped like that. It wasn't one of my prouder moments but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do and go on with life.
DIY Queen - why yes, that would be me. |
Gorgeous blue skies that tempted Watson and I to be outside lots on Saturday. |
Signs of Spring are everywhere right now and I took advantage of that - taking numerous pictures while Watson and I were outside on Saturday. So, hopefully the number of outdoor pictures won't annoy you...because I love them. I'm ready for warmer weather. Although, this is will probably be warm for about 2-3 weeks and then head straight on into sweltering for the next 6 months. Blah. You gotta enjoy it while it lasts. Also - March winds are totally a thing; I thought Watson and I were going to blow away sitting outside on Saturday and Sunday. Those things were whipping around like crazy!
I love the puppy that little foot belongs to - even if he crapped in my floor. |

I love how worn the floor boards on my Nanny's back porch are - it really speaks to all the memories that have been made there. We've had fish fries, grilled hamburgers and just sat around talking on that back porch. After Hurricane Katrina, we tried to use the grill to cook pizza and split my Mamma's pizza stone right down the middle. There is just something special about things that are worn; I think most people look at worn things and see just that - worn. I like to think when you look at something that is worn, you are seeing the love and memories that were impressed upon that thing. Like that porch - so many footsteps have walked across it; bare feet in the Spring and Summer, eating Popsicles and watermelon in the heat. The rare Winter snows that have blanketed the porch, as well as numerous Fall leaves. The back porch has also seen several dogs come and go...Watson has been added to the line-up. So yeah - I like that picture a little bit.

My Sunday morning buddy - I only had one of them yesterday. He still crawled into my lap for his picture.
Watson and I spent lots of time outside again on Sunday and as usual, he manages to do silly things that lead to pictures that I think are pretty hilarious. He usually manages his leash pretty well, but at one point on Sunday it got draped over his nose. Instead of wiggling to get it out of his way, he just sat there with it across his nose like a goofball. I'm not sure about him sometimes...he's a mess.
Trying out a new look perhaps? |
We sat on the porch and I ate goldfish...until I accidentally spilled some; then Watson ate them too. |
Clouds rolling in on Sunday afternoon... |
Taking a Sunday evening joy ride... |
Rain rain...go away...and bring on the sun again!
Well - there you have it. Better late than never, right? It's Spring Break for some people, but I'll be here pushing papers in the office all week dreaming of the weekend again. Hoping for a quick week and a long weekend.
LOVED all the pics and I want to know how those potatoes were cooked because they looked delicious! love you!