Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words

Today I don't have a thousand words. I don't really have words in general. What I do have is a sore throat, a slightly throbby head & a cough that is absolutely driving me insane. So I'll leave you with pictures from my week, because sometimes pictures are better than words.

My Toms finally came on if it will quit raining, I'll wear them!

Discovered this was the best yogurt flavor ever invented - I need to stock up!

My final "Christmas" present - the first season of Dallas. It's a genetic love I guess, the theme song has been ingrained in my brain since I was a baby.

The weather has been schizophrenic this week...40s one day, 75 the next....

But it sure makes for some pretty sunsets...

The sweetest critter to watch a movie with on Friday night

Out & about on Saturday morning...I promised him I'd take him on a walk.

Exploring the flooded campground...

Wet puppy feet on the front porch steps!

New canvas for the guest bedroom - it seems fitting.

Sunday afternoon blanket isn't long enough...

Watson hates the rain - no playing outside for him.

Here comes all the rain. Blah.

1 comment:

  1. i love your pictures...however i'm SUPER ready to take a picture WITH you!! :)
