Monday, March 10, 2025

The Second Weekend of March

Another wonderful weekend - and although it was so windy - Spring is beginning to slowly but surely show itself and I cannot wait for warmer weather, green trees, flowers in bloom and of course, the longer days! Friday evening was really chill; Ryan was at a church group, so I ate a little pizza, watched Home Town and took a bubble bath - it was a lovely girl's night for myself.

Saturday was so sunny and the sky was a perfect blue, but the wind - oh my gosh the wind! I know the phrase is: March winds bring April showers... April showers bring May flowers... the March winds are not playing around! Spook spent a portion of his morning trying his hardest to get comfortable "lounging" on the scratcher - he seemed to be struggling, but he would not give up! 

Ryan and I headed into Winchester, to the walking mall to check out the Celtic Fest. We perused several of the shops downtown and looked at all the vendors. Some of them were fascinating and some of them were... a little weird, ha-ha! We ended up meeting my parents for lunch at Macado's, which continues to have delicious food and less than spectacular service - what are you gonna do? Our lunch took us so long that after we finished, we headed back home so that I could freshen up and head into Martinsburg to finally get my hair cut - yahoo!

It's been a while since I got my hair done - my friend and hairdresser decided to stay home with her girls and so I have struggled to decide what I was going to do. I almost fell prey to The Cuttery but the Lord kept from that mistake by having them cancel my appointment out from under me and then tell me they'd called my phone but my voicemail box was full and they couldn't leave a message. Um - nope. Never got a call and don't have a full voicemail box, but nice try. *face palm* So Saturday afternoon I headed to the Vault Salon & Boutique in Martinsburg and I have found my new place! Loved it so much and it feels great to have refreshed hair once again! Yahoo!

Saturday night, Ryan and I watched Gladiator II and I have to say - all the reviews I've seen were less than favorable, but I really enjoyed it. Sure, it's not Gladiator... but the sequel is almost never as good as the original, right? The kittens started out interested (hehehe) but quickly found spot to sleep and crashed for the entirety of the movie - which means they were wide awake when it was time to go to bed, ha-ha! Isn't that always the way it goes?

Sunday was gorgeous - perfect blue skies again, but that pesky wind was back! We went to second service, did a grocery run and then came home to enjoy a lazy afternoon. All three of my boys fell asleep pretty soon after lunch; I guess it was hard not to nap in the warm sunshine! I finished a book I'd been reading, swapped out my winter shoes for spring shoes... and when Ryan woke up, we put together my hammock! 

My hammock was a Christmas gift from Ryan and it is absolutely a dream! Even though it was windy, Ryan brought me a blanket, I curled up in the sunshine and just enjoyed feeling the warm sun, the gorgeous blue sky and the clouds softly floating through the sky. I cannot wait to continue to enjoy my wonderful hammock all Spring, Summer and Autumn! It may be my favorite gift from Christmas! 

After finishing up the laundry, planning my clothes for the week and starting a new book, I whipped up a shepherd's pie for dinner! My parents brought me my bottle tree when we met up on Saturday and I went out in the backyard and poked it deep into the ground, and then placed the one blue bottle I have for it on top! It makes me so happy to see it outside, twinkling and catching the light! I cannot wait to add more bottles to it!

 When all that was said and done, I enjoyed a lovely bubble bath before closing the weekend out! It was another lovely weekend - we survived the time change - and seeing the sun still in the sky after 7 PM is such a joy!

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