Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Reese's Cups, Strikes & Spares

Christmas is less than two weeks away - have you fully wrapped your head around that? I don't think I have, but the season charges on regardless! I am trying to find my Christmas cheer but life has been a lot more - I'll use the word complicated - in the last few weeks. Thank goodness for my stellar spouse, who always keeps my spirits lifted . I don't know what I'd do without him and he is for sure the greatest blessing! 

It seems wild that last weekend (on Sunday at least) marked two weeks until Christmas Eve but here we are! Friday night was a much needed chill evening for Ryan and I - Ryan grilled some incredible burgers for dinner and then we watched Zero Dark Thirty. Not exactly a Christmas-y movie, but it's one of Ryan's favorites and I've never seen it before, so it fit the bill!

I tried to sleep in on Saturday but I was awake shortly before seven and out of bed shortly after seven. *sigh* After coffee, I tried to chill a little bit and then put together a big ol' fruit tray and Ryan and I headed up into the mountains to make cookies with our friends, Chris and Katie and their kiddos!


Katie warned me that it could be calm but it would likely be chaos - but I think Ryan and I thoroughly enjoyed the chaos. We made peanut butter cookies with Reese's cups in the center and y'all, those kids wanted to just eat the Reese's ... which I understand completely. Katie is so chill with her kids and was able to calmly give them instructions, while trying to encourage them to not toss flour and batter across the room, ha-ha! 

We managed to make a whole ton (I don't have an exact number) of cookies and they turned out delicious! I'm sure it was the flour that was kneaded by the hands of an excited six and almost four year old that did the trick, ha-ha! They really are the sweetest little kiddos and we had the best time whipping up some Christmas goodies with them and just getting to spend some time with their family!

After our baking exploits, we headed down the mountain and chilled for just a little while before we headed to the bowling alley for Ryan's office party! Ryan's boss rented out the entire bowling alley and we had all the pizza and wings we could want, all while bowling and hoping for strikes and spares! Ryan works with some really great people and I ended up bowling a couple games against Ryan and then joining the ladies to play some rounds - it was a really great time! 

Sunday was a rainy, dreary day and if I'm honest - the whole day I just felt a little "blah". Ryan and I went to church and then ran some errands afterwards. I was happy to get home and we both ended up taking cat naps ... there is just something about a rainy Sunday afternoon! I have to share that the weekend was also brightened up by an absolutely lovely package that I received - I've shared it below!

I won an Instagram contest (the second contest I've won in a month) put on by Annaliese at Southern Belle in Training and Larson Folkerts at Let's Love to Cook. I thought I'd won a cookbook by Larson but I was blown away to open a giant box and find FOUR cookbooks (two copies of each) along with a gorgeous basket filled with matches, a beautiful set of kitchen towels, wooden kitchen tools and a beautiful mug - what a wonderful surprise! 

Ryan and I have loved perusing the books to see the recipes inside and we are already planning to incorporate some of the Seasonal recipes into our Christmas Day celebrations! It was a full weekend but also a good weekend! And I still can't believe it marked two weeks until Christmas Eve! Eek! 

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